Copying files from USB to hard drive


Inactive User
Jul 26, 2013
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Hear is my problem I have a duo box and I put rats channel plugin and picon updater on it and everything is running sweet, now I've got my mum & dad one and I want to put the same on there box I believe if I put the ipk files on a USB stick and pop it in the front of the box it should ask me if I want to install them. But the real question is can I pop the folder of the latest pitons on the USB and copy this folder to the hard drive?

forgot to mention the have not got a computer there.

Yes you can use a file manager if theres one built into the image your using or install a plugin that has a file like TS Panel. Then use file manager to copy the files from USB to Hard disk.
Alternatively if you have a laptop and crossover ethernet cable you can set static IP addresses on the box and laptop then use FTP to copy the files over from the laptop.
a far easier way would be to just setup the image on box one with all the plugins etc you need on box two then make a full image backup and flash this to box two ( backup your original first of course and restore this once you have completed the backup for the second receiver ).
a far easier way would be to just setup the image on box one with all the plugins etc you need on box two then make a full image backup and flash this to box two ( backup your original first of course and restore this once you have completed the backup for the second receiver ).

I would agree with PHEONIX, and its always nice to have a backup.