cops going to pakistan who pays ?

I am sorry but why can't you guys take pride in the fact that they asked Scotland Yard to investigate because they are fair and uncorrupt unlike the Pakistani Police. Despite what we may think about the Americans or British Police they are the best in the world and they will say what they think no matter what anyone thinks.
I am sorry but why can't you guys take pride in the fact that they asked Scotland Yard to investigate because they are fair and uncorrupt unlike the Pakistani Police. Despite what we may think about the Americans or British Police they are the best in the world and they will say what they think no matter what anyone thinks.
well said.
bottom line is pakistan is the key ally in the war against terror,

and the sooner their problems are sorted the betetr it is for the us and uk
@ Curious123 and karym6 - Legally speaking, what the hell has the British police force got to do with the murder of a Pakistani citizen in Pakistan? So far as the British police being fair and not corrupt I take it you guys no nothing about the sleeze and corruption in Stoke Newington police station to name a few. Look at the handling of the Charles De Menezes case, we cant police our own state and you guys want to waste our resources on something that happened five thousand miles away to a corrput and murderous individual?

Personally I think it is insulting to the Pakistani police that Scotland Yard are going over to investigate this murder of a Pakistani citizen.
@ Curious123 and karym6 - Legally speaking, what the hell has the British police force got to do with the murder of a Pakistani citizen in Pakistan? So far as the British police being fair and not corrupt I take it you guys no nothing about the sleeze and corruption in Stoke Newington police station to name a few. Look at the handling of the Charles De Menezes case, we cant police our own state and you guys want to waste our resources on something that happened five thousand miles away to a corrput and murderous individual?

Personally I think it is insulting to the Pakistani police that Scotland Yard are going over to investigate this murder of a Pakistani citizen.

Very well said
@ Curious123 and karym6 - Legally speaking, what the hell has the British police force got to do with the murder of a Pakistani citizen in Pakistan? So far as the British police being fair and not corrupt I take it you guys no nothing about the sleeze and corruption in Stoke Newington police station to name a few. Look at the handling of the Charles De Menezes case, we cant police our own state and you guys want to waste our resources on something that happened five thousand miles away to a corrput and murderous individual?

Personally I think it is insulting to the Pakistani police that Scotland Yard are going over to investigate this murder of a Pakistani citizen.

the police must of been asked to go there by the Pakistani police ? they cant go without been asked l dont think
The way I look at is that the Gordon Brown and Musharraf have been on the phone and Gordon Brown says if there is anything we can do to help please feel free to ask and Musharraf realising that his integrity is on the line says could you send a team to look in to who killed Bhutto and Brown says no problem. Musharraf is no fool he knows that it does not matter what his police come up with no one is going to believe it whereas if the the FBI or Scotland yard come up with anything it will make headlines. I totally accept what you guys say about the Charles de menzes case etc but in those cases it was the individuals who wre at fault and not the organization.
the police must of been asked to go there by the Pakistani police ? they cant go without been asked l dont think

Heard the news today and it said that Pakistan has asked Britain for help.

If that is true then should, as some members have said, the UK still stay out of it?
Refusal will not help as Pakistan is being treated as an allie.

I am not sure why there seems to be much anger with some members and not sure why palestine needs to be mentioned either.
There is a large Pakistani community in the UK and Britain has a history with the Indian sub continent so in some way Britain has a vested interest with Pakistan to assist when requested and i am sure that brown will be looking at this request in a postive way and lets face it I am sure that when the times comes britain will not be shy about asking for a return favour.
The way I look at is that the Gordon Brown and Musharraf have been on the phone and Gordon Brown says if there is anything we can do to help please feel free to ask and Musharraf realising that his integrity is on the line says could you send a team to look in to who killed Bhutto and Brown says no problem. Musharraf is no fool he knows that it does not matter what his police come up with no one is going to believe it whereas if the the FBI or Scotland yard come up with anything it will make headlines. I totally accept what you guys say about the Charles de menzes case etc but in those cases it was the individuals who wre at fault and not the organization.

I buy your arguament on this but the whole situation seems counter productive. Legally speaking SY have no jurisdiction in Pakistan. The best they can do is aid the investigation and help the Pakistani police, this is hardly impartial as they will be following the polices leads. Considering that the murder happened a week ago and that the body has already been buried without a post mortem this hardly seems worth it.

The British and US are hated enough in that part of the world without now us trying to police it as well. For the sake of arguament lets say the SY find out that Musharraf is behind the assasination, do you really think they would point the finger at a head of state bringing the country into further turmoil? I really doubt it, thats why this is a pointless excercise and one that we should not be footing the bill for. The only justice that will come out of this is whats already on the menu.
If musharraf had a hand in the assination than he would not ask the west to investigate on the off chance that they might point the finger at him but he and the rest of the world know that his intelligence services are a law unto themselves and if it was not for them Bin Laden would be rotting in jail. My personal feeling is that the secret service and Al qadea colluded to get rid of Bhutto because she was a threat to all of them with the backing of the Americans.
of course, we do not have any legal standing there what so ever. Any assistance we would lend would be the skills and techniques that the Pakistani police may not have - or may be unable to exercise right now for a number of different reasons (such as loss of confididence etc). Having another viewpoint is maybe all they are looking for on this matter.

Either way, they asked us over and the British government has had a long histry with that country. Didnt the British and Pakistani police get invited to help out with the Bob Woolmer case? And didnt the British police get asked to help out with Maddy McCann also?

Of course, this may be nothing more than an attempt at diplomacy, we shall have to wait and see.
Bloody shame,
i see big problems in pakistan now.
wonder how many troops we are goin to send in to be used as cannon foder.

as posted on 27th dec.

o.k its not quite full out carnage in pakistan, but ffs the u.k cant keep their fookin noses out! can they!
of course, we do not have any legal standing there what so ever. Any assistance we would lend would be the skills and techniques that the Pakistani police may not have - or may be unable to exercise right now for a number of different reasons (such as loss of confididence etc). Having another viewpoint is maybe all they are looking for on this matter.

Either way, they asked us over and the British government has had a long histry with that country. Didnt the British and Pakistani police get invited to help out with the Bob Woolmer case? And didnt the British police get asked to help out with Maddy McCann also?

Of course, this may be nothing more than an attempt at diplomacy, we shall have to wait and see.

Bob Woolmer = British citizen
Maddy Mc Cann = british Citizen
Bhutto = Pakistani Citizen
There is no relevence what so ever. A former head of state has been murdered. Why would anyone want to be involved or assoiciated with that is plain silly.

If you are refferring to the long history of the British Empire then you have no idea what you are talking about. Pakistan isn't even part of the Commonwealth nor do they care if they are part of it or not.

Logistically speaking the only reason British police should be over there is if there is a direct connection with the perpetrators of the assasination. Anything outside of that is a waste of our resources/money.
whenever there is a world problem , it always has to get the UK involved, for one we are the most genorous country ( always have been probably always will be ), as we in a strong financial position , money is always a major factor in these situations, as they say money talks. Most countries have corrupt cops, and i think its good when they look at the UK for help ( not that i agree with the UK cops ).
But i honestly am starting to believe the UK is now too soft in helping others out now, we have major problems at home, and we need to iron our own problems out before helping others.

@ smirnoff. totaly agree there, its nice to see different nationalities post on here and voice there piece.
was just gonna highlight that point aftermath. The uk police moan they haven't got enough resources to tackle certain areas of crime in the uk, but they got resources to send around the world payed for by us. Wheres the logic in this, our taxes paid are supposed to benefit us. Whats worse i got a fat sum to pay by the end of the month!
Has anybody got any solid proof, links etc that show the UK taxpayer will be paying for this, my opinion is that the Pakistani government will be footing the bill as they asked for the help, but if anyone can shed some light on it and not just speculation like mine.
Has anybody got any solid proof, links etc that show the UK taxpayer will be paying for this, my opinion is that the Pakistani government will be footing the bill as they asked for the help, but if anyone can shed some light on it and not just speculation like mine.
it wouldnt surprise me to hear that the Pakistani government will be funding at least some of this.

Naturally, the police officers who go will still get their wages, but I would imagine that the Pakistani government will pay for the travel and accomadation etc