cooking a turkey


VIP Member
VIP Member
Sep 21, 2007
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I know its that time of year, I dont celebrate xmas but got a turkey so am going to cook it.

Best way to cook it .. do I stuff it or leave it as it is

would appreciate some advise
Don't stuff it, as there is a chance it nah not cook correctly. We roast ours breast down for the first 3/4 then breast up for the final 1/4.

Keeps it moist :)

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cook it slow and upside down as suggested.

cover it in streaky bacon too.. :)
Not sure about the no stuffing bit - I always put some in but not packed tight - but it does help to split a lemon or two an bung them in the cavity.

Bacon works, slather it on butter/margarine and a good basting regularly...

...if you have one, use a thermometer to check it's cooked to avoid over-doing it - the juice runs clear bit is a tad vague!
Not sure about the no stuffing bit - I always put some in but not packed tight - but it does help to split a lemon or two an bung them in the cavity.

Bacon works, slather it on butter/margarine and a good basting regularly...

...if you have one, use a thermometer to check it's cooked to avoid over-doing it - the juice runs clear bit is a tad vague!

I love basting a nice bird....

As already advised, lay it on it's front first.
OK... stuffing?.. well can be done, with many things, but Turkey it is a fat meat, mean much more than a chicken,so don't stuff it, but cook it in the oven, spices, like Rosemarie, a touch of sage, garlic, some black pepper, 3 or 4 slice of orange, all inside the Turkey, than potatoes, roast potatoes, you cook also together in the same backing pan , to make very tasty the potatoes, put on it, rosemary and only when the potatoes, are ready, salt on it, due the salt with the oven heat stick too much the potatoes on the oven pan.... check to see when the turkey is cooked, use a toothpick inside the meat, if it is cooked, must come off clean...( often try to turn ) and some time, a dash of white wine on it..when you turn..
The three BIG tips for cooking your Turkey.


2/ Dont forget to turn the oven on

3/ Dont forget to put the turkey IN the oven after turning it on.

I would like to thank my mother, who over the years has discovered these vital issues.