Commando 5 feedback area

just replaced my pacino image with this, works a treat apart from the sound problem as mentioned earlier

Thanks for a great image
just replaced my pacino image with this, works a treat apart from the sound problem as mentioned earlier

Thanks for a great image

is it the 1x or 2x that has an issue with the sound or is it both..?
Well done Hunter007 and Renwich.. you've raised the bar once again with this fantastic image. Been running solid for a couple of days. IDE support will be a big bonus for the lucky ones :) Thanks from us all.

up and running on my 1x sagem i like the recording bar feature is that now part of the cvs ?

i must have missed something what is the recording bar?

had a few probs losing channels first off but seems to have sorted its self out very nice image.
i shall leave on for a while and see whats happens been on now solid for 2 hrs and no probs except 1 minor freeze which was very minor apart from that loving ur work guys! :Clap:
cheers renwich and hunter, will try this image and leave feedback.
keep up the good work lads
oops sorry m8 ,

the version i downloaded worked fine on my box so I sent via you sendit I've asked it to be put into the downloads als has the tux weather fix
looking forward to flash the dbox with it m8.. will let u know how it goes. cheers.
Anyone had a blocky picture or am I doing something horribly wrong or are some channels just like that?

What can I say? Excellent image. Thanks to the team involved. Working gr8 on my Nokia.
i have a problem (sorry guys)
when recording the epg is lost have i turned something off or something all it says it waiting for epg soon as u stop recording its fine.
like i said though apart from everything is fine.
Just replaced commando 4 with this (fed up of seeing World Cup on footy menu - bad memories - lol!!)

Looks fantastic - love the new web interface.

Issues with sound? A couple of remote clicks - sorted!

Have my subbed pace box sat next to the dbox (we've just gone VOD so the pace has the odd use for missed bbc progs!) and, I know this has been true for previous images, but the image quality is so much better.

Congrats to all involved - your hard work is appreciated
Looks pretty cool fella's many thankx..
ive usually had freezing probs with othewr images but ill let you know.

Like the "extra's"


Gaz :Cheers: :Cheers: :Cheers:
the 1x version works a charm on my squeeky sagem box. No problems yet and its been on for over 12 hours. Cant find / get the standby option to work but other than that no problems. Picture quality is brilliant even on channels with weaker signals

Many thanks to all involved.

