Coffee Panna cotta


VIP Member (Resident chef)
Oct 8, 2010
Reaction score
The lost land..
The panna cotta is one of those sweet jolly to prepare when you have no time but do not want to renounce to prepare a cake to serve at the end of the meal.
In this version I have prepared the panna cotta with coffee to serve in one fell swoop the sweet and cup of coffee.
You can garnish the panna cotta with coffee or flakes of chocolate topping or with a sprinkling of cocoa without sugar but also natural is more than good.

You make 6 stencils

Ingredients :

400 ml fresh cream
100 ml of milk
130 ml of coffee
5 tablespoons sugar
1 vanilla stick
10 gr of isinglass


Prepare a great coffee machine
soften isinglass in a bowl with cold water for ten minutes
In a saucepan to simmer a vanilla stick with milk chocolate and cream,
Raised the vanilla and add the coffee and sugar.
Turn off the heat, add the squeezed gelatine sheets and stir.
Pour the mixture into 6 individual molds
Let cool down then put the panna cotta in the fridge to firm up for at least 4 hours
Serve the coffee panna cotta reversing stencils on a plate and garnish with chocolate flakes