channel order

Hi guys ....

I have manged to get up and running and my channels in alphabetical order and now would like to have


and so on ...

Is there an easy bit of software to manage this from my pc ??
There is an easier bit of software on the dbox, its called boquet editor, create your own boquets, put your channels in them and the first channel in the first boquet will be No 1 the second No 2 and so on.
bobby81 said:
Hi guys ....
I have manged to get up and running and my channels in alphabetical order and now would like to have
and so on ...
Is there an easy bit of software to manage this from my pc ??

create a basic bouquet using the bouquet editor

read the tutorial about connecting to the dbox via an FTP connection.

navigate to tuxbox/config/zapit folder and copy the bouquet.xml file to your PC.

edit the file in notepad or any reasonable editor. (I used JCreator lite which is a java editor but does the same job)
re-order the channels and copy the file back.
I opened the Bouquets file in a text file editor and copied and pasted the channels into the order that I wanted them in and also removed some of the stuff that I would not use like the what seems like hundereds of BBC1 channels...