can i patch a technomate

RIGHT i have a problem its my dad who has the sat set up but he is a bit clueless on it and so am i >what i want to know is if i took his box from his house and bring it here can i patch it via my computer without me having any feed here in my house or do i need to do it at his house the problem id laptops and serial ports mine is a usb to serial i have never been able to get dragon loader ect to work with usb to serial thanks all>>>>>
yes itll be fine if you patch it then he takes it home, i have friends (really, i do) who bring their boxes to me to be patched, theres a small how to for the usb-com cables if you click satellite help in my siggy below m8, i made it as i had a fkin nightmare getting my cable to work but now its 101%
