Cameron forced to defend foreign aid spending to cancer patient


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Mar 16, 2005
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Gods Country
[h=3]A WEEPING cancer victim left David Cameron rattled on radio yesterday when she took him to task after being denied life-saving drugs.[/h] She said her local authority is “begging charities” to help her, while we spend £11.5billion on foreign aid.
The PM was a guest on London’s LBC Radio when he heard a recording left for him by a woman identified as Anna.

She is 68 and lives on £68 a week and is battling non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Anna sobbed as she said: “No foreign aid is being cut, and I’m waiting for treatment that’s not on the national health. I had my last chemo in May. It’s a horrible feeling waking every morning, waiting for £250,000 when they’re giving billions away abroad. It’s not fair.”
Anna — not her real name — from Finchley, North London, also revealed her husband has had to go into care as she is too ill to look after him.
She added: “I’m consumed with grief. All I want is my husband back. My life has stopped and I haven’t even told my whole family I am ill.”
The PM vowed to probe her case and said a cancer drugs fund had been set up. Of the aid budget, he said: “It’s right even as we have a difficult time that we keep our promises to the world’s poorest.”
But the decision to give £1billion to a nation such as India — spending billions on its own space programme — has been blasted. There was fury recently when its finance minister said our cash was “a peanut in our total development expenditure”.

Read more: Cameron forced to defend foreign aid spending to cancer patient | The Sun |News|Politics

what a coont and why the fook send money to foreign aid when the most of the ****s end up over here

It makes politicians feel all warm and fuzzy inside to send our tax abroad. It doesn't affect them personally you see, as they are loaded, the likes of LibLabCon are champagne socialists.

"I think we do have a moral obligation to help the poorest in the world... even when there are difficult times for us."

Heartwarming Cameron, heartwarming...
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The sooner this idiot Cameron goes the better he is not improving this Country one bit he is actually grinding it to a halt. His ideas are all wrong. Concentrate on the Country you live in first before giving all our money away.