DVB - PC Cards C-1500 and C-1501


Inactive User
Jan 3, 2008
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Can somebody please tell me what advantages the C-1501 has over the C-1500 as I'm planning on purchasing a C-1500 from hxxp://www.dvb-shop24.net/index.php/cat/c51_Cable-TV.html in the next day or two. I'm planning to just use it on Vista for a while and then have a go at MythTV with sasc-ng eventually. Also, on that site is there any difference (in hardware terms) between Technotrend Budget C-1500 and Technotrend Budget C-1500 HD High-Definition? Or is it just the software that comes supplied? Thanks again.
I have read in other forums that the only difference is the software that comes with the C-1501 for HD content.

I have a C-1500 and can run the BBC HD channel no problem using DVBViewer and XP
I have read in other forums that the only difference is the software that comes with the C-1501 for HD content.

I have a C-1500 and can run the BBC HD channel no problem using DVBViewer and XP

The HD software that comes with these cards is pretty useless for the UK anyway as we use a standard codec running at a much higher bitrate rather than one of the new super-compression codecs.

The 1501 appears to simply be a re-work of circuitry to take advantage of later chipsets. In essence, its a cost reduction exercise for the manufacturers whilst enabling them to charge a premium price for a "new" product.

Functionaly, there is little difference between the two units (or, tbh, between any of the low-end dvb interfaces. They are basically just dumb line interface modules with the PC actually doing all the processing work)