Buying cheap'o dvd players ?


Inactive User
Jul 25, 2001
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Iam going to buy a cheap dvd player, just one of those 30 quid shots out of the asda or wherever, I see theres some nice wee slimline ones :)

What iam trying to find out is this >

What should I make sure it does, what type of disks etc, obviously I want it to be able to play as many different formats as possible.
I will be playing vcd etc etc etc if ya get my drift ???

Sooo, can someone give me a list of what iam looking for -R +R RW mpeg bla bla bla, I aint got a scooby, never owned a dvd player apart from the ones in my pc's.

Cheers :Cheers:
I seems to be that the cheaper ones will play most makes of disk....i've got an expensive panasonic one which will only play what it wants to and a cheap one i got free with my last moble phone...which will play everthing i throw at it :) You should be ok with the asda one as long as the popular formats are supported on dvd-r, svcd, mp3, video cd etc.

basically the cheap ones dont have the security to stop disks being played, get the pacific one or whatever they're called now and ull be rete, they play absolutely anything, got 4 different variations of pretty much the same player in the house and they're briliant
yep, i got a pacific and itll even play raw mpeg files straight from the net, no messing converting to dvd, and you get your disks back when mates borrow them cos they wont work in their players lol :)
yeah the asda pacific are the best on the market right now you can tweak it at (remove macro vision...etc)
But........if you are willing to spend a little extra....Argos are selling a dVd recorder for 109 squids. i just got me one...rather good does +/ - you name it...all singing and dancing!
ye babba, think I seen that one in argos, was it a liteon ???

The cheap one iam on about is just for the bedroom so it looks like it will be asda/pacific :)
Sorry i took so long...watching sChOOl of rOck...Funny Film! maybe you should try can get dvd/mp3/jpeg/bmap/xvid/divx player for under £40. NOW THATS A GOOD BUY!

P.S. its slim line too!
DK Digital 915 MPEG4/DIVX DVD Player £42.49 delivered to your door!
yeah dude...its the bees knees...take a lOOk!
is there any recordable ones that do the whole shabang too ?
I see that one your on about babba, looks good to me :)