Burnt clutch?

I have seen clutches burnt out in 3,000 miles. Warranty for a year or three years wont cover you for wear, only manufacturing defects. If I had a pound foreverytime I heard "ive been driving for 30 years or more and never had a clutch fail" when the only fault is a worn out friction plate i'd be a rich man lol.
i'd agree with smirnoff though the friction plate looks like it's got plenty life left, it has been overheated though. Why did you take it in? was it just a burning smell. It probarbly didn't need changing if that was the case. A lot of dealers take the piss with lease companies.


Yes, just the burning smell, didn't want to leave it in case something caught fire.
Overheated clutch stinks but smell would have cleared after a while.

Vauxhalls have had big problems with clutches on Astras and Zafiras. They even issued a bulletin to change the clutch and flywheel if the customer complained enough.

I have an 07 Zafira and they replaced the clutch and flywheel after I threatened to get an independant report because their so called technical engineer couldn't get it to judder. It only did it first thing in the morning when cold.

Its was just inside the 3 year warranty at the time. Dizzy mechanics left a starter bolt loose and it went back for that. Needless to say I dont use them for servicing now.