Breaking news Re Weather

sounds like he got ADHD to me

go get some attention off ya mother
Thanks for that usefull update lucian

can you be more accurate on the time you got home - 1627 is a year 16:27 is a time but you missed out the seconds, please dont keep us in suspence I simply must know

and that climate control gig must have meen right nice for that commoner - I mean I bet he didnt even understand what was going on but im sure he appreciated it in his own little way, im sure he will be running on home to tell all his family and friends about the magick horseless cart that has a winter button.

remember keep us posted on this and try to be a little more accurate with your timings in future. This is the information supermotorway and we will need nazi like precision and swiss accuracy.

now if you will excuse me i need to order my butler jeeves to order my driver Terry to drive me in my rolls to buckingham palace and bang the queen senceless at 23:04/47secs

ta ta
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I don't want to appear cheeky Lucian, but why do you always refer yourself to "us" and "we"??
I am not trying to take the wee wee, im genuinely interested.:proud:

Oh and why is this in the rant room??


We refer to ourselves as ''we'' as we are more than one person, as advisd by our specialist consultant!!
The thread is hear because we had a wee rant re weather

Thanks again

Thanks for that usefull update lucian

can you be more accurate on the time you got home - 1627 is a year 16:27 is a time but you missed out the seconds, please dont keep us in suspence I simply must know

and that climate control gig must have meen right nice for that commoner - I mean I bet he didnt even understand what was going on but im sure he appreciated it in his own little way, im sure he will be running on home to tell all his family and friends about the magick horseless cart that has a winter button.

remember keep us posted on this and try to be a little more accurate with your timings in future. This is the information supermotorway and we will need nazi like precision and swiss accuracy.

now if you will excuse me i need to order my butler jeeves to order my driver Terry to drive me in my rolls to buckingham palace and bang the queen senceless at 23:04/47secs

ta ta


Please accept our sincere apologies for disgracing ourselves in public!!!

:( :(
Thought you were going to bed @11:12pm ?

Thanks for reminding us!!!

We are leaing earl tomorrow, approx 09:17hrs as we have a meeting we ur departmental manager... he's a fool

Goodnight, ust dash as our king sized bed is calling us
Right son, be frank.

How many nail bombs have you made up till now?

Don't use them mate, it's not worth it.

Take up stamp collecting instead.

[ame=""]'If she doesn't scare you, no evil thing will!'[/ame]
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Im starting to like this fruit, I sort of imagine him as [ame=""]sir digby chicken ceaser[/ame]

"you must dine in my club sometime" lol lol
Cant believe i wasted 10 mins of my life on this tripe.
Cant he just be banned now and save 20 more rediculous posts before he is.
A prime knobber indeed
Lucian's Mum: Arnold! Arnold, your tea!

Lucian: Down in a minute mum. I am just trying to annoy people on the inernet by being a weirdly mysterious absurdist.

Lucian's Mum: Ok. Well play nice. Will you bring your rubber sheet downstairs, it needs to go on the line after last nights accident. And, have you put your Eczema cream on your your pee-pee today?

Lucian: Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum, I'll be down in a minute.

[Lucain proceeds to type on the internet. 'We have discussed the position of the world and decided that we shall allow everyone on DW to live for now... If you displease us in the future be prepared to feel the wrath of the Lucian Devilles!'}

[Lucian's Mum then enters his room]

Lucain's Mum: Arnold get down the stairs right now. Just because you are 47 years old is does not mean you can ignore your mother!'

Lucian: Sorry, mother dear.

Lucian's Mum: Don't worry petal. I just need you to know that mother knows best. your Alphabites are getting cold.

[Lucian's Mum hugs Arnold. He nuzzles his chin into her bosom]

Lucian's Mum: What's that ridge on your back? Have you been wearing my maternity bra again!?'