Bought TV on the street, Not working when got home!

What shall i do?
someone offered me a tv at a petrol station and i bought it without asking wether its stolen or 2nd hand.
Then when i got home it wasnt working.
What shall i do?
i got their reg plate and car and shall i report them to police?
£200 of my money gone.
If i report it to the polcie is there a chance i will get done over aswell?

Wait, you bought a TV on the street and you got home and it wasn't working!? WTF!? What is this World coming to...

If I bought a TV off a random guy on the street I'd damn well expect it to work when I get home...

Didn't the guy give you the guarantee documentation??

Well if not, don't worry, just go back to that petrol station, I'm sure he'll still be there (must trade there all the time) and he'll be happy to give you a refund or even an exchange...
Avoid petrol stations and buy a tandem. Let your carer do the steering though.
Well here is some sympathy...............
The same thing happened to me 20 years ago I was approached by a couple of guys on a retail park that had a Currys and Comet.

Wanna buy a video recorder mate?....
How much?
Twenty quid (they cost about £200 at the time).
Whats wrong with it?
Nothing we have just delivered to Currys and we had one extra on the van, if we take it back to the depot, someone will get the sack.

I suspected that it might be knackered, but £20 was a good price for a video recorder that needed repairing, and a mate of mine did repairs, so I bought it.

Got it home, plugged it in and nothing, phoned my mate, he said bring it round.
Took it round and within 2 minutes he said "I can't repair this".
Why not?

Its only got a house brick inside.

I trawled that car park every night for weeks and never saw them again.....

Put it down to experience and don't get caught again
there alot of scammers out there mate i know people who have bought similar stuff when they get home open the box's one was stuffed with potatoes and the other had stones taped secure inside the digital camera and mobile phone boxes....
They also bought these products off some irish bloke :(

The tv's look nice ive seen them myself rapped in clear plastic but id never buy out off the street ...unless i know the and where he lives
I went to market yesterday to sell the family cow for some money and grain.

Instead, I bought some magic beans off a man on the street, who said they would being me great riches.

I planted them last night, woke up this morning, and guess what?!


Of course the beans were not magic! I am such a dope.

Beware, patronising wisdom to follow.

'If is seems to good to be true, it probably is.'

'Caveat Emptor.'
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I expect better spelling from you Mozr! :Dunce:

:Biggrin2: :Biggrin2:


In my defence, I had a bottle of champagne, and a few brandys last night, Hamba. Oh, and I ate the magic beans too.

I will correct my mistakes forthwith!


My edit button has gone on that post!

That means my ineptitude will be etched in stone forever! :(
OMG how anyone can fall for this it was doing its rounds years ago
one of my m8 got done years ago by some irish guys in van. they show you the real thing like laptop or phone. someone shouts from across the street you look around and they change the item to the fake one get your money off they go
[x] Replies deliver!

Props to OP for coming clean or having the imagination to make up the story to elicit the comedy responses!
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it's bit like the vans that used to drive around saying...i've just fitted some carpet and got a load left

Let that £200 be a lesson learnt hun and thats a cheap lesson u have learned too....xx
oops I just dropped my tv, Phone insurance and get a brand spanking new one. Or is that th wrong thing to do :)

Thats so wrong on so many levels
im not taking the moral high ground but picture this !!
this tv is broken and the op assumned it to be worth £200 notes
there's a strong possibility that a claim may have already been made
so bedside a possibility of getting found out for making a fraudulent claim there's a possibility that it could be stolen !! lets say its fair safe to assume there's little chance said pikey obtained tv legitimately
so he is outa pocket ( if we where to believe the op ) and then he gets nicked for fraud ! there's a mass of consequences for this btw
no no no !!!
You could always sell it or search for the missing parts on ebay to try and fix it nearly spat my coffee out reading all the replies.
lol ... Bet it was Del Boy ... was it a 3 wheeler van ??