Best and worst thing, To happen to you today

best: home now and resting....:banana:
worst: still nothing...
best: going to lunch at my mum's
worst: already thinking about next week and work...:FRIGHT:
best: Desperate housewifes is on tonight!:banana:
worst: still raining! :(
worst: got drenched in the rain 3 times....
best: got paid more this month!:banana:
Worst - Paternity leave over when I wake up for work in morn.

Best - I'm to depressed thinking of work to think of something nice.
best: absolutely NOTHING....:CRYBABY:
worst : raining, 8 hours of long work and feeling feverish...
Worst: Losing £40 between the shop and my workplace about 50 yards and telling our work experience girl who's about 15 to go look for it. Which she did, but had no luck.............I'm a bad man.
Best: going for a meal with the wife later
best: home and playing games!
worst: home because I have a sorethroat...
worst: still home with flu
best: some games to play!:Clap:
worst: the weathers at it again with the boring pouring rain.

best: chating online to everyone i know and playing in the arcade!

:angelwing and resuing Kam71
best: tomorrow night Birthday party at a friend's house
worst: still don't feel good