auto updates card



please can eneybody tell me what is an auto up date cards do? can there be programed in the elvis programer and what type of card are there. can you use them on the ondigital boxs, i am gust getting used to all this feed back if eney body got eney info i whoud be very grate full

[email protected]

mark :)
Auto Updating cards save the user the job of entering the monthly operational keys which change each month. These cards are not a stable as the remote update cards unless you program them with your personal PPUA and MK01 which can be extracted from your original OnD*g*t*l card.

They can be programmed with the Elvis programmer. You can use them on OnD*g*t*l boxes and they are smartcards containing one PIC16F84 and one PIC24C16.

I hope this helps you.

thanks for that?
how easy are there to program and wear i can find the info to show me how there work

cheers wolverine
