auto bouquets for uk cable??


# 40984 (0xa018) "Uddingston (SCOTLAND)"
I'll check soon as I can, if they aren't I can always create a new .xml list for them.
Could someone show what the script should look like when edited for use in Belfast pls when u have 5 mins had I am still having no success
Why don't you post the one you have edited and people can check? You only need to edit one line. Line 9. Use the Notepad++, not windows notepad. Example of edit to be made is on line 7.

What is your Net ID by the way?
And attachment of your edit effort? Give it a shot. Use calculator and convert to hex. Space between the two pairs of numbers, in lower case too. I'm confident you can do it.
Do the netids have be in 'a0 18' format, looking the belfast one, the hex for that '15'.
If anyone would have backup with auto bouquets working for Belfast could they pls post it on site I have been trying on and off this last lot months still no joy
What issues are you experiencing? It is going to be difficult for someone to send you an image which has been tested to work in you area unless they are in your area.

Please say what receiver you have? What image you have? What have you tried? What errors have you received?

You started the thread, we can't have you missing out.
I have a dm800 using pielords image going to have 1 last try tonight when I get a some peace to think.if anyone does have a backup for Belfast I would gladly accept as madness runs in my family ta
l haven't added auto bouquets just did a full scan and used dreamedit easy to get it the way u like then . only slight problems with cable is there's lots and lots of Fta channels and on a full force scan u get lots of died channels

Sent from my iPhone 5