any 1 know vet charges


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VIP Member
Oct 22, 2005
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ive recently moved and had some cats,one wandered off when we let her out,after not coming back for a few days i went to old house to look for her,i found her ,but shes got a large cut on the inside of her rear left leg,its about an inch long and quite deep-i can see muscle,

it doesnt seem to be hurting her,and also doesnt appear to have been bleeding theres no blood on her fur,it looks relatively fresh and im taking her to the vets first thing,but i just wondered if anyone had a rough idea of how much stitches cost at a vets

dont get me wrong the cost isnt an issue,i will be getting her seen to ,but i dont know if vets charge you before doing anything,after or if they do some sort of account for things like this,ive only ever had to go for jabs,worming and such which all have a set price.

ive cleaned it up the best i can and she seems happy enough,but if its gunna cost me over 200 up front im gunna need to flog summat
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Re: ant 1 know vet charges

when you say deep, how deep do you mean. You could superglue it yourself if its not more than an inch long and not too deep and the muscle isnt torn.

Looks like vets are using a special type of superglue now themselves. If you do decide to glue it you will have to make sure you don't glue any hair in under the skin.

Cool Tools: Superglue Stitches
id say about 3mm ,but it could be false perspective since it seems to be curled back some,ill see if she will let me take a photo of it.

edit:got one,but the cam on my phone is shocking for an 8mp sony
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Re: ant 1 know vet charges

well check out the link i posted on vets using glue, and then maybe google it, see what information you get there?

another problem with animals and stitches is they tend to bite them if they can get at them and tear them out.
Re: ant 1 know vet charges

well it certainly seems a good idea,but id be petrified of getting it under the skin or something,
Re: ant 1 know vet charges

Do you have a blue cross animal hospital in your area m8?
Re: ant 1 know vet charges

pdsa up york road m8, u get benifits or the missus does i presume so youre good to go for free,well they ask for a donation in a sealed envolope, its cheaper than the private vets and you qualify.
Re: ant 1 know vet charges

Our cat got gang raped the other night, either that or hit by something anyway we noticed she wasn't her normal self the next day and took her to the vets, 27 quid for some antibiotics, anyhow she is back to her normal self now.

Vets = license to print money.
Re: ant 1 know vet charges

well some slightly better news,after some more research and trying to squeeze it back together(experimentation for the glue idea) it appears its a burst cyst or abcess -it wouldnt squeeze back together and is quite oval/round,so it appears i can just get a collar,some antibiotic cream and some regular cleaning and she will be fine
Re: ant 1 know vet charges

well some slightly better news,after some more research and trying to squeeze it back together(experimentation for the glue idea) it appears its a burst cyst or abcess -it wouldnt squeeze back together and is quite oval/round,so it appears i can just get a collar,some antibiotic cream and some regular cleaning and she will be fine

YOU SURE? a cyst ect... dont usually go through so you can see muscle or ligaments.

for the price of a taxi id take it to the pdsa up york road.

safe than sorry m8.
Re: ant 1 know vet charges

if it's not a straightforward cut that could be glued together i would take her to the vet, especially if you qualify for the blue cross one.

having said that, if it was a cut originally and she has had it for a couple of days and been licking at it, it might appear round. still better to get it checked out by the vet.
Re: ant 1 know vet charges

YOU SURE? a cyst ect... dont usually go through so you can see muscle or ligaments.

for the price of a taxi id take it to the pdsa up york road.

safe than sorry m8.
not elegable for pdsa m8,but from the pictures ive seen of ruptured cysts it certainly looks it,but theres a vets4pets up the road,ive an appointment there tomorow afty for a check over so ill find out for defo then,i wish i had a better camera so i could get a detailed pic and get more opinions
Re: ant 1 know vet charges

make sure you keep baving it with warm water m8 needs be clean that hole or it fester then you be fooked
Re: ant 1 know vet charges

not elegable for pdsa m8,but from the pictures ive seen of ruptured cysts it certainly looks it,but theres a vets4pets up the road,ive an appointment there tomorow afty for a check over so ill find out for defo then,i wish i had a better camera so i could get a detailed pic and get more opinions

cant you get someone to hand into stray cats/dogs home .
then pick up a few days later treated?
well its a burst cyst,albeit a big one,going back tommorow for it sorting properly,153 quid,she aint goin out any more:proud:
well my vets charge £28.50 just for looking (consultation) it cost about £44 for some eye cream. the consultation the rest for the cream, it cost £3.50 to buy on net, so i asked them why, they said the est is the dispensing fee..... so i said, u mean to say u charged me to take it out of the cupboard and hand it to me.
i vomited after cleaning my cats wound / cyst on the side of its head

thought it was an insect bite as the cat was not in pain then i noticed puncture wounds

cotton wool and dabbing down tons of puss came out and it stunk

lol u can imagine what happened next

i vomited and shat myself

straight down the vet and £50 out of pocket with 10 days worth of anti biotics