Amy Winehouse died ???

Not much time for wasters but i hope she hasn't died in vain and that young people might learn that you cannot keep f@ckin with your body and get away with it. lets not confuse tragedy with inevitability. Tragedy is a word that can be used to describe events in norway, death at the hands of a drunk/drugged driver, murdered protecting your property by a burglar......not selfishly poisoning yourself. Her loved ones will be absolutely devastated and its those we should be thinking of
R.I.P Amy

she will be missed ....
she was an adult with a gift and she wasted it. have no sympathy for any adult who decides to take the shite shewas. its her parents i feel for... and plz dont tell me i dont know what am talking about..
we all have demons.just that most of us dont turn to smack and crack.

not my sort of music and have only ever heard anything if Mrs had radio tuned to a current station, seems a great shame what ever the reason.

i have heard and read the name in the news media and tbh 90% has been -ve, seemed like an accident looking for a place to happen
R.I.P Amy whinehouse but end off the day she was a talent wasted and choose drugs and had kids look up to her but what about R.I.P to the 98 people killed by a nutter in
norway instead. One person had a choice. 98 others didn't
ive took many drugs from gas/xtc/coke/rush/ket/lsd/weed/cooffee/nicotine and many others
but ya cant judge a person for that........?
many top singers/bands/film stars are on drugs or have done drugs
from elvis to amy - monroe to Heath Ledger etc etc

its just a shame she could not find away out and fight her demons
we are all not so lucky.
....took many drugs from gas/xtc/coke/rush/ket/lsd/weed/cooffee/nicotine and many others
but ya cant judge a person for that........?

Yes you can Joe,
its a personal choice m8 but nobody forces anybody to take any sort of drug.
im not saying anyone forced her but some people are weaker than others and dont/cant get of drugs
its just a shame thats all.

I know thats not what you said or meant Joe,and it is a shame but we all make our own decisions m8 regardless :(
Anyone here been addicted to anything ? a slight addiction maybe such as smoking, alcohol even caffeine

think of a small addiction a times it by Xamount ;)

some are stronger willed than others, addiction and state of mind maybe with depression and coping with fame ?

I'm not saying what she did was right but you have to try and understand why
Yes you can Joe,
its a personal choice m8 but nobody forces anybody to take any sort of drug.

tell that to the pushers mate :(

my sister has been battling heroin addiction for over ten years and she cant get away from it, these scumbag dealers hassle her call her up saying they've got some really good stuff, turn up at her boyfriends house, offer her deals, all sorts of lowlife tactics to get her to score off them. ok they dont physically hold the foil or pipe to her mouth but its as close as it could ever be!

i did ask her why doesnt she change her number? move back home just to get away but its not as easy as that and even though shes tried getting off it when your desperate for something and your body aches and someone puts what you 'need' in front of you like that it must take some real willpower to resist.

as for winehouse, i kinda feel sorry for her but its her friends and family that are left to pick up the pieces now :(
No one knows yet what happened at the house yesterday afternoon, she was there with friends who could of given her dodgy gear, they could of given her drugs while she was in a drunken state. why were her friends not arrested.

i had a friend who died after being given drugs while drunk, his friends injected him but gave him too much but because the police could not work out if he was awake or knew what was going on his friends walked away without charges.

being famous does not bring you happiness all the time, most of the time its too much pressure which leads to some sort of addiction to forget the pressure being put on you.

shes at peace now and my thoughts are with her family
She admitted ...the only GOOD stuff she wrote like the album back to black, she was completley stoned !
She was writing a new album so her close friends said , she couldnt write sober .
Maybe that had a part to play too , who knows
RIP great talent , a lot of these solo females these days are ALL influenenced by amy .
REALITY CHECK PEOPLE!!!!! 6 days ago a true british hero was killed fighting for our country. Did you know this? Do you know his name? Did you care? A singer addicted to drugs and alchohol dies and its all over the news, facebook and twitter in minutes!!!! RIP Corporal Mark Anthony Palin from 1st battalion the rifles