am i using the key genarator right


Inactive User
Mar 12, 2006
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i have the key gen for setanta sports and red hot and xview. and was wondering if what i do is right.

i click into internet update and click get values and use the values it gives. it workes but just abit paranoid. any help: shocked2 : shocked2
what help you need? It gets values, gives correct unlock code! So is there any more to it? Oh, you mean paranoid because you had to put yout D-W id in there and you think its sent these and your computer IP off to someone!!! hmmm ;)
the internet values wont work from this site as u need the url for the closed room ;)

So that's what the internet update box is for!!!

I've only had the privelige of using the keygen a couple of times so far as I'm new to this stuff, but I didn't realise you could use it like that! Thanks for the info guys, great forum:)