Sensible Topic Alcohol Withdrawl and Depression Advice


Inactive User
Nov 12, 2012
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Ok so here it goes about 12 year ago I started using a PC, and pretty got hooked to the web straight away, I was in my early twenty's and started spending more time online than is healthy so the experts say.

Anyway with the internet playing poker for long hour's I started to drink more like 8 cans every night while playing long tourneys and watching films.

10 year or so down the line I realized I was drinking most night's my jobs started to slow down so I tried to stop drinking but playing poker sober is kinda boring I lost interest, then I realized I did not find anything I was doing exciting anymore unless it involved drink and banter online, dont get me wrong I still go out clubbing once a month or so to shake the kob webs off.

I went to the doctors last week and he say's since I have stopped drinking I will face a bout of depression he explained the reason I do not get enjoyment of poker or football anymore with out drink is because I spent to many hours alone on a PC drinking and not socializing for real.

I explained with Today's prices of drink and bar costs I cant afford to go out 3 times a week etc so he say's I should start a course of anti-depressants and try and concentrate on putting the computer down reading book's talk to my wife more ( Ouch ) and try and be like normal people.

He has prescribed me mitrazipine (zispin) 30 mg a night and say's I should take it for 6 month and I will see the errors of my way's and be a more happy person ( eeeeek )

Has anyone took anti-depressant's is it a road to hell more trouble more problems did it help I do not want to go down a slippery path if I can help it.

Anyone been in the same situation and did taking medication help you.

Cheers for any advice :Drool:
trouble is with anti depressants is they can be quite hard to get off of as you can feel quite ill if you try and stop, my advice would be dont take them just because your doctor gave them to you, even if you are feeling low, if its bearable just stick at it, anti depressants just kinda shut you off from the world a bit, not something i'd like to go through again thats for sure, i'm half asleep so I wont go into huge detail so I apologise if my posts a bit vague, but as you've understood you have a problem, thats a big step mate :)

can you even just cut down your drinking? have a few cans every few days or even just a can a night, and go from there?
I've never been in your position but personally I would suggest some simple lifestyle changes, I was in a similar situation with regards to spending too much time in front of a computer screen, then for one reason or another I joined a Mountain Bike forum, met up with a few people on there and started to go out most weekends. Now I spend at least 3 weekends out riding with a few friends, we socialise every now and again, but more importantly we all make the effort to get out for a few hours once a week. It changes your whole outlook as you manage to get out and about, have a good laugh with some new found friends, plus it helps to get you fitter. Plus it's something new to look into and you can spend as much or as little as you want as once you've purchased your bike there is very little outlay. If you need any help in finding relevant forums just send me a PM.


stay clear of the anti depresants m8..

they are worse than drink..
highly addictive as well, so **** knows why your doc would suggest them..
Not all anti depressants are addictive
as said mate avoid gettin on them, been on them myself an they did help get me through a real hard time but ended up giving them up against the docs advice, it can take months to come off them gradually depending on the dose and lenght off time taken them, i binned them an went through what felt like cold turkey, your head hurts and you get what i can only describe as constant pins an needles on your brain an it feels raw,, its no nice, only thing that i can say DID help was getting a job an getting back normality,, ie. daily routine, as said get an old bike and force yourself into getting active and much respect for putting your balls out there, if you get my meaning
You'll get as many opinions as there are members M8 so I'll chuck mine in...

First, I've never suffered from depression but it runs in the family and I've posted before about friends. I'm exposed to it quite a lot. I've also got informal links to health professionals so I can often find stuff out more easily than the average guy.

Anti-depressants vary in terms of side-effects, the one you specify is not as bad as some. It's also important to recognise that they may (or may not) be beneficial depending on circumstances, and the period of time they are taken for could be important too.

I've managed to persuade some to go for a course and some to come off. Addictive or not would you really want to be dependent on something long-term? They are very good at breaking a cycle of depression by giving you a long enough period without symptoms for you to want to do things to continue down that route.

In a way I'm surprised the GP prescribed them but then, for some, it's a panacea for all ailments.

All that said, the most important thing is, "do you feel depressed?" Most people know something is wrong even if they don't want to say "depression", they react differently, they feel down. You either wrote in an upbeat manner or there's something you didn't post - sorry if that sounds like I'm digging around - I am.

Based on your post, I would suggest it's not anti-depressants you need M8 but maybe you're feeling a bit jaded. I would try some new things, add a few different strings to your bow so to speak and add in a few simple pleasures of life. Try lots until you find some that suit. They could be simple little things like going walking, buying a cheap bike and so on.

On the talking to the wife front - that's good but slowly does it or she'll think you're up to summat lol

(Last sentence was a joke!)
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I was always one of the "Get over it" brigade and could not understand that depression could really affect a person, until I had a breakdown !!!
I am on anti-depreesants at the moment and have been for over a year, I have had to try different types to find the one that works best because they all effect different parts of the brain.
Yes some are addictive but when the time to come off them arrives you will be taken off them gently. Believe me they do make a big difference and your GP will be advising them for a reason.
The worst part of being on antidepressants is the stigma attached to them and of course the opinions of those who have not had to have them................ I used to be one of them !
Ignore the so-called stigma M8 - that's just people with their head up their ass!

If it's the right thing for where someone is, at the time, then sound, do it.

IMHO, I felt the OP might be better off with a little bit of lifestyle change but, truth is, the only person that REALLY knows how they feel is them.

I certainly won't criticise whatever choice he makes.
hi m8, fair play to you on comming on here and facing up to your demons, hats off to you. i have been in your situation with alcohol before and i will honestly say it aint easy to pack it in without some sort of withdrawal advice i can give you bud is try and keep yourself active, example gym work even walking just try and focus on being positive and you will get their in the end. and i have to say i do agree with the advise of staying away from anti sent if you ever feel you need help or a chat;)
Well done m8 getting it out in the open and not shy away from it. Whilst reading your post I was in a same situation but instead of drink I was hooked on smoking pot every single day, I went through a phase of at least 6-7 years like that then one day I got up and thought what the **** am I doing smoking money I didn;t have , It caused a lot of grief at home which was the last straw for me I simply knocked it on the head never thought I could but I did it, if I can do it You can do it to mate with the drink.

I never went to the docs or anything first couple weeks is the hardest. You need to try find a hobby which dosen;t involve sitting around at home this will make it a lot easier for you.
Well done m8 getting it out in the open and not shy away from it. Whilst reading your post I was in a same situation but instead of drink I was hooked on smoking pot every single day, I went through a phase of at least 6-7 years like that then one day I got up and thought what the **** am I doing smoking money I didn;t have , It caused a lot of grief at home which was the last straw for me I simply knocked it on the head never thought I could but I did it, if I can do it You can do it to mate with the drink.

I never went to the docs or anything first couple weeks is the hardest. You need to try find a hobby which dosen;t involve sitting around at home this will make it a lot easier for you.

Dido there mate, I smoked skunk and grew it from being a teenager for around a 10 year period, I managed to give that up when I had a child fook knows why I started to drink so much it just crept in over the year's.

Anyway I have decided to keep of the computer a few day's a week and get back into cooking the family meal's again and walking the dog " without popping in the shop for a bottle of stella " also good advice about the bike, I think I will fix my back wheel tomorrow.

To be honest I decided to try half the dosage of the depressant which is 15mg, and I am going to try it for a 16 week course rather then 6 month.

First few nights they knocked me clean out about 10pm, but I woke up at 6am really hungry and making big fry ups. First time in year's I have ate a proper breakfast, In fact I am just eating all day, I have been T-Total before but kept relapsing hopefully this time with a little help, I will stay sober.

Cheers for all your comments !!! I was expecting a few sarcastic responses, one thing my doctor say's was keep the tablets to your self you have no reason to tell people around you. He said you will be amazed at how many people look down at other people who suffer from mental illnesses. Anyway I have kept it to my self ( not even told the misses ) so It was good to get it off my chest.

Thanks alot :0)
Cheers for all your comments !!! I was expecting a few sarcastic responses, one thing my doctor say's was keep the tablets to your self you have no reason to tell people around you. He said you will be amazed at how many people look down at other people who suffer from mental illnesses. Anyway I have kept it to my self ( not even told the misses ) so It was good to get it off my chest.

Thanks alot :0)

That's the biggest problem when you need to take medication,most people do look down their noses,which in turn can lead people to not get themselves on the road to recovery in the first place :(

On a brighter note good to hear you are starting to feel a bit better,hopefully you will be able to make some great strides to a more healthy life style,mentally and physically :)
That's the biggest problem when you need to take medication,most people do look down their noses,which in turn can lead people to not get themselves on the road to recovery in the first place :(

On a brighter note good to hear you are starting to feel a bit better,hopefully you will be able to make some great strides to a more healthy life style,mentally and physically :)

Niceone Wiz, I am determined to stay T-Total this time, and get back on track, looking forward to the summer already, so I can get a few more jobs in and get out more.
Sounds like you have taken a road that's good for you M8 :)

Totally understand your Doc's comment BUT...

...I guess you know your Missus better than we do - I would tell mine.

The best support you can get is talking to someone who will REALLY listen - my faith in this forum is justified, no sarcastic comments :)
Sounds like you have taken a road that's good for you M8 :)

Totally understand your Doc's comment BUT...

...I guess you know your Missus better than we do - I would tell mine.

The best support you can get is talking to someone who will REALLY listen - my faith in this forum is justified, no sarcastic comments :)

Cheers H&H must admit I was expecting some cryptic clue's about the circle of life of you LMAO
Hm my advice...i took prozac a few years ago...and i can say - don't do this...this stuff blow my mind of...first it was :) and then i thought more about suicide than ever sports...move your body out in the sun...