Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden dead

Been watching in unfold since 6.30am, that photo was shown on sky news earlier not sure if there showing it now. The americans removed the body and did the tests and took it afghanistan. They then buried the body at sea so the followers do not have shrine to visit.
I think its a good thing this piece of crad is dead but the fact worries me !

Government buildings around the world have not been put on one of the highest alerts possible for no reason, has anyone tried going into city of London today ? check points all over the place !

I suspect these nut jobs will be hitting anywhere they can, and soon. :(

Sadly for us all, Osama was just a figure head as has been said. There will be others to take his place, and probably already are in place being he has been in hiding.

I also want to know wtf Pakistan were doing harbouring him !!!! [MAD]traitors ![/MAD]
That pic and the pic posted on the bbc looks photoshopped to me. his skin colour on his face looks different and totally different texture to his body.
Also his head looks too big for that body lol
10 years, trillions of dollars, hundreds if not thousands of dead soldiers later, they "found him". He's killed, and to respect the "ISLAMIC" practise of a burial within 24 hours, he's laid to rest at sea.

BULLSHIT. Why the sudden conformity to Islam now? I highly doubt they even let the innocents in Guantanamo wipe their own arse by themselves, never mind "respecting their religion". This is bullshit, Osama is either still alive, or died years back, and the US just want credit for his death. What about the backlash now? Let see how many innocent lives are lost due to this bullshit!
10 years, trillions of dollars, hundreds if not thousands of dead soldiers later, they "found him". He's killed, and to respect the "ISLAMIC" practise of a burial within 24 hours, he's laid to rest at sea.

BULLSHIT. Why the sudden conformity to Islam now? I highly doubt they even let the innocents in Guantanamo wipe their own arse by themselves, never mind "respecting their religion". This is bullshit, Osama is either still alive, or died years back, and the US just want credit for his death. What about the backlash now? Let see how many innocent lives are lost due to this bullshit!

Dont you know ? Osama lives in a Mansion in the USA with Tupac Shakur and Biggy Smalls...

It's all a cover up...blatant propoganda...found 200metres from a military academy...hahaha,...Pakistani agencies must be a right bunch of muppets if thats embarrasing... So now their Cricket Team is corrupt and gets done for spot fixing, the country leader is corrupt and accused of killing his wife the ex leader, and army and internal agencies are incompetent and corrupt as well...for fialing to spot the FBI's most wanted man in the world lives on the doorstep of a military academy in a 1 million dollar property..
I bet Bin Laden wished he hadn't filled in his Census now !!!:proud:
He's been Killed and his body disposed of, funny that as I never thought there was a bin collection on a bank holiday.

Taxi .............................
I very much doubt he's dead, especially with no proof and photos can be faked using photoshop.

He's probably in the states somewhere living a life of luxury with the money handed to him by the CIA.
Sod it, i'm prepared to believe he's dead and good ridance to the ugly c@nt, buts what with dumping him....polluting the worlds sea with faeces,his cause was an empty and shallow imo but he's out of his depth now, i'm gonna crack open a tin of stella to celabrate........
Ok I've already had my say at the start of this thread but to add, I think the reason they've now said he's dead is so that they can start to pull out of Afghanistan, the war machine must have a new target in their sights, wait and see, there will be another false flag attack in either the US or UK and it'll be the usual circus from the idiots in power