Advise on Entertaintment



Just done a Karaoke/DJ gig at one of my local WMC's last friday.
The club itself is a bit down and out finacially so being the kind of bloke that I am I offered to do the first 2 for free. We advertized it in the local rag but only about 20 folk turned up but they were a happy 20.

What I am asking is does anyone have any suggestions on how we make this episode more interesting?

I have considered live guitar, Miss wet T shirt, Quiz with prize etc.

Any sensible replies appreciated but no strippers please.
if you can get the club to do some kind of drinks promotion it would help. you probably noticed for the first hour ***ody was that interested....then when they had a few drinks everyone wanted to get up including the barmaid.
people dont like to make a fool of themselves unless they think they are good...... lots of alcohol makes everyone either pass out or ridicule themselves.
hi speccy m8, how about a karaoke prize, every singer gets a ticket and the winner is drawn at the end of the night, one ticket per singer, and u dont even have to be good, just take a spin at the mic...surprise u what folkll do for £ if ur no good i reccomend bad manners 'can can'...
Thanks for tips you guys.
Really does make sense what you both say.