Advice Please - Setting up server on home pc

:) figured out the e-mail ... now just need to find out how to do the sub domain part ... if possible ... but think I am going to need help .. .so if anyone knows the answer would appreciate the help.

Then worry about any hackers
i have subdomain software for apache somewhere m8y (not at this house though so you will have to wait until tuesday :()

and also if you are worried about hackers i would not suggest using apache on windows its just asking for trouble m8.... but make sure you set ntfs permissions that should help alot (its like chmod'ing toan extent :))
I need more software to create sub domain ??

Everything I have read tells me to setup sub domain via virtualhost in apache ... but can't seem to get it to work ... perhaps I am reading wrong.

Will wait until you get the software then as might be easier.
Have now found that the company who have my name pointing to my ip have to enable wildcard DNS before I can create sub domains ..... do you know if is this true or will the software be able to overcome that as they do not enable wildcard DNS for free ??
to be honest i have cpanel software its what the big hosts use and that allows me to create subdomains

i am not 100% sure about wildcards etc sorry m8 but yes it will need DNS to be able to do it and i have free DNS and wildcards from my url

try my ip server here <--- i cant get to it as its at my other place, but i will set up a subdomain 2 moz for you to show you that i have software that allows me to do it
sorry m8 i jsut relised i have got it pointing at DW :(

but i have just changed the url to my ip :) should be sorted in a few hours m8
also m8y use these guys to get free dns with no adverts or nothing they allow wildcards and shit loads i think for a free service they are fantastic

oh and thank monks as he found them for me dave monks and him <--- well worth a visit from any web person ;)
Yes, looked at that link as I have a few others ( etc) but don't seem to make it clear what you get and what you can and can't do.

looked already at that cpanel ... but as said if I need a second server and ip number then out the question.

Looks like will have to forget the sub domain stuff and just get links go as usual so will just use my ip number and save my money ...

Perhaps will get more into this again when i see how it goes ... if idea doesn't work then would have been money wasted .... just thought could create sub domains without any prob ... as usual though it never works how i figure.

Anyway have a server on pc and once everything how i want it will see what happens.

Thanks for help, if you think of anything though let me know
Originally posted by digiperson

Perhaps will get more into this again when i see how it goes ... if idea doesn't work then would have been money wasted .... just thought could create sub domains without any prob ... as usual though it never works how i figure.

Thanks for help, if you think of anything though let me know

i know how you feel m8 me and gaz had no idea about DNS of websites until we moved server :(

and i can say its very very complicated the way it all works !!!

i would like to say you would be better of installing the new apache its more safer and more stable and maybe you might have better resulsts with it ;)

but i do understand if you have anymore questiuons let me know m8 i will do my best to find out the answers ... and i am gonna set up a few subdomians 2morrow from my server to see how uit works ok
OK m8 .. .thanks .... have to see if i can find out more ... just annoying ... spend all this time and can't get it to work how I really want.

As said I tried the new apache (if you mean v2.0.46) but had probs with the setting up so went back to previous version

Have emailed a couple of places about setting up subdomains and other info ... will see what comes back ( etc)
Right, installed Apache 2, PHP 4.3.2, mySQL 4.0.13

Now I am going to have to format as nothing works (keeps trying to look for the previous versions yet have uninstalled them) ... checked the php.ini file and httpd.conf and no reference to the older version anywhere so no idea why it should be looking for earlier versions.

Everywhere you read they advise NOT to use Apache 2 at the moment.

So will be away for a while while format and reiinstall everything
OK ... think up and running :) ... if anyone wants to view

Still developing so please be patient as might not always be on .... hope to be on soon all the time when completely finished ... any faults with it then let me know
Working fine ... .so far (hope haven't spoke too soon ... lol)
yeah m8 it looks like it is working fine and good speeds also ;)

so good news all round :)
Thanks for checking it out for me ... always difficult to know if others see same as I see (especially in this case)

Thanks for the help as well.

Any regulars from here intersted gets discount if they go for one of paid options ... but then all have there own won't they ... lol
Latest news ... got up this morning to find 400 e-mails waiting to be sent (all to same person)

They were stopped by Norton as no valid return address (had to click Norton 400 times)

Have now set up that they are just rejected ... so hopefully that address will not cause anymore probs (hopefully).

All fun and games ... LOL
this would be worth a sticky for a while to allow people to read and learn
how you getting on with this allroad ????
have a word with mr napster he's anew member but he sets up nine for me took him about 5 min's