acl replacement and cartilage removal


Inactive User
Mar 23, 2009
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i had an acl replacement and cartilage removal 6 months ago could anyone give me some advice on getting back to football faster.
the knee feels fine but every now and then it locks.
pain for a few days after.
i had an acl replacement and cartilage removal 6 months ago could anyone give me some advice on getting back to football faster.
the knee feels fine but every now and then it locks.
pain for a few days after.

Yes, deffo mate I can do that :)



if you want to have any level of fitness or longlivity then let it heal with time and do not force/rush things.

You will cause more damange than anything else..... If the knee is locking, then either there is a issue or it is still healing mate.... mention it at a check up or go back see specialist.

you need to build up strength over time, not rush it.

OTOH, dont do nothing and rest, rest, rest either as you will lose muscle tone... and rehab will be harder and longer.
i never had that happen to me but i hurt my ankle and was told to rest was a sprain and i chipped a bone.i play football aswell and i hate missin games..i rested it but not for as long as i should have..semi final comes up and i convinced myself i was fit..what did i do..made my ankle whole lot fact i was out for a futher 7 months cause i didnt rest a couple more my advice is rest it..if your at a gym do light or what u feel is ok..dont overdo it..crosstrainers are pretty good and do upper body work while your restin cause dont let yourself get to unfit cause in the sevens months i was out i pulled my thigh 4 times in 3 month cause i didnt really do much..thats my advice bud