A wifi bridge


Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
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Hello guys i am wanting to get a wifi bridge but want to check first exactly what it does.
I have dm800se clone and has built in wifi..I use next doors wifi (with permission)on the box (for a gift) as i am still waiting to have my net installed.
when i need to flash my box i use my computers wifi pick up to feed the box via Ethernet from computer to box using conectify to give it net connection to flash..Hench i can not browser flash as it turns into incoming connection so i can not communicate with box..
will a wifi bridge pick up neighbours wifi network and turn it into Ethernet connection to plug into my box so it will have a independent net connection from my computer to flash box and allow me to use my computer to browser flash???

hope this makes sense.


off topic..what are the best picons to install.the one i have at mo(hd reflextive)dos,nt have picon for bbc three or four.
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I've read that back three times and it's not making any sense....... ;(

You can't simply add a bridge at your end in the hope of "bridging" your next doors wi-fi, a bridge needs to be set up between two routers. So you create a bridge and they constantly "handshake" each other typically using WEP.

using your pc and connect to "his" wi-fi, then when your box is also connected you should then be able to ping each other? but not using ICS.

I'm surprised he allows you to connect though all together, as I take it when you type in his routers IP then you see his GUI of his router?

I'd be dropping his connection and getting my (your) own asap to tell you the truth, when your pc is connected to his router then your opening up all your "shares" etc. and vice versa.
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I've read that back three times and it's not making any sense....... ;(

You can't simply add a bridge at your end in the hope of "bridging" your next doors wi-fi, a bridge needs to be set up between two routers.

True, first part, more info required. Second part, no. Several manufacturers now do hardware that will act as a repeater and deliver a bridge function in one box, including Linksys. A bridge is not a router function although many routers can be configured to operate at Layer II - a singularly pointless exercise IMHO.

If all else fails, two inexpensive WAPs will provide the bridge...
yes but what I mean is "it takes two" you can't just add one at your end with out some intervention from the other party, thus what I was saying...(I know a bridge is not a router function just terminology)

someone wrote a guide on V9 netgears as a cheap "bridge".....I think :)
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yes but what I mean is "it takes two" you can't just add one at your end with out some intervention from the other party, thus what I was saying...(I know a bridge is not a router function just terminology)

someone wrote a guide on V9 netgears as a cheap "bridge".....I think :)

As long as you can authenticate you can bridge in a single box :)
well yeah, that's what I think we have achieved that he can if his "supplier" will and all depending on the kit that the "host" has.......

Could he not plug in the dream to his nic and give them a static and dream and get to the GUI that way?
If you get a tenda w150/w300 and set it up to on the client and access point mode this will enable you to create your own hotspot via the device.

1. Connect the tenda to your friends Internet.
2. This will give out a wifi signal at your house as well as give you the Ethernet port on the device to connect your pc and then give your pc a ip address from the "tenda's" network.

3. You can then connect the dm800 wirelessly to the new network and flash the box from your pc as you will be in your sub network but using the friends Internet signal.

4. Or add a switch and connect everything to it via Ethernet.

I hope you can understand what I have written.

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Many thanks for all your help and Thankyou for all the infomation. In short as i have wrote i have no net connection in my flat so i use neighbours.This works good for my box via wifi and my computer separately with their own independent wifi pick up.when you flash your box it needs to be connected to net via Ethernet port as it can not use its wifi.
I do not have a router to plug into so i need to turn wifi into Ethernet for my box when i flash it
At the moment i can flash by turning my computers wifi IN into Ethernet out to my box to give it a net connection in order to flash however doing this means i can not use my computer to browser flash so basically i want something that picks up wifi signal and turns it into Ethernet connection.
any better cos im confused
many thanks guys

This WiFi Bridge Adapter IEEE 802.11b/g is powered by USB or DC 2.0 female. It can convert any wired ethernet device into wireless!.
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I was thinking summat more like this:


On fleabay for about £30, it's a range extender/bridge with a fast Ethernet port. Should work in most scenarios as it's transparent to existing kit.
I was thinking summat more like this:


On fleabay for about £30, it's a range extender/bridge with a fast Ethernet port. Should work in most scenarios as it's transparent to existing kit.

Yea man thats the kiddy but its £50 +/_ everywhere from uk.But the will deffo do the job.
but i have been doing some digging and opted for the one i posted £16,you just need to connect to computer set it up with wifi password and it will do the same job on any device.
Yea man thats the kiddy but its £50 +/_ everywhere from uk.But the will deffo do the job.
but i have been doing some digging and opted for the one i posted £16,you just need to connect to computer set it up with wifi password and it will do the same job on any device.

For a few quid more you could've got the "Tenda" and it gives upto 300mbps.

The vap11 is only a device which picks up the wifi and bridges it through the Ethernet port.
For a few quid more you could've got the "Tenda" and it gives upto 300mbps.

The vap11 is only a device which picks up the wifi and bridges it through the Ethernet port.

Hi thats exactly what i want.cheers..only need it for that