5402HD out for repair

Was reading in latest computer active mag the Q&A...a guy asking why he received a refurbished replacement to his failed sound card(7 months old), and was also surprise to read the reply (I am not entirely sure this apply here, as this is about part/component):

"When a retailer makes a repair or replaces a part after a certain period has elapsed, there is NO obligation to provide new for used. As long as the replacement part is not faulty ( :Laugh: ), a retailer can use these. However, the replacement part has to be like for like and fit for purpose. It is not unusual for a faulty hard disk to be replaced with a refurbished one. But if it fails even after a few months, you will probably still have redress under consumer law as goods were not fit for purpose."
Since I started all this I thought I would intercede as it has went a bit off point but as I understand it there is no need for like for like replacement as long as refurbished item works, but I would say just because I am OK with refurbished it does not mean you need to be and I would also add who is to know if I did not push the matter I would have got new replacement from Technomate. Some company's will give brand new replacements as it is good for the image but I have not had that experience with apple as both my kids I-pods broke and they got refurbished replacements so this may depend in area you live. Can I also add the point I was trying to make was on the quality of box and after sales care and updates and although I hope my box comes back without any problems I am still not sure if I could recommend this box to a friend and can I also add as they are not the point of sale it has cost £22 in total postage. So the question is as it stands now. WOULD YOU RECOMMEND A TECHNOMATE BOX TO A FRIEND ?
Since I started all this I thought I would intercede as it has went a bit off point but as I understand it there is no need for like for like replacement as long as refurbished item works, but I would say just because I am OK with refurbished it does not mean you need to be and I would also add who is to know if I did not push the matter I would have got new replacement from Technomate. Some company's will give brand new replacements as it is good for the image but I have not had that experience with apple as both my kids I-pods broke and they got refurbished replacements so this may depend in area you live. Can I also add the point I was trying to make was on the quality of box and after sales care and updates and although I hope my box comes back without any problems I am still not sure if I could recommend this box to a friend and can I also add as they are not the point of sale it has cost £22 in total postage. So the question is as it stands now. WOULD YOU RECOMMEND A TECHNOMATE BOX TO A FRIEND ?

Bit of an "iffy" question, I have always been happy with the build quality of Technomate receivers and still am. However just lately there seems to be a feeling that TM are not doing all they can to keep customers satisfied.
The software support has been brought into question as the same bugs seem to appear time and time again in patches despite the members here devoting a LOT of time testing and reporting software problems.
There also seems to be a "lets mug the customer" attitude when it comes down to repair charges, I believe that if TM put some effort into these areas then they would once again be my favorite brand but until they do I cant in truth recommend them over any other make.