5 Drinks That Help You Calm Down.


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Jan 28, 2007
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5 Drinks That Help You Calm Down.

Stressful day? Don't reach for a candy bar. Try one of these soothing liquids instead.

5 Drinks That Help You Calm Down on Shine

1. Drink a glass of milk. It contains tryptophan, which as it is metabolized is converted to mood-boosting serotonin. Plus, its calcium, magnesium and potassium content may help keep blood pressure down.

2. Drink hot cocoa. Warm drinks raise your body temperature—a feeling we associate with comfort, so it triggers a similar response in our brains.

3. Order black tea instead of coffee. A study by University College London shows that drinking black tea four times a day for six weeks lowered the stress hormone cortisol after a stressful event.

4. Drink green tea—packed with theanine, which increases the brain’s output of relaxation-inducing alpha waves and reduces the output of tension-making beta waves.

5. Drink a glass of cold water, then go for a walk outside. The water gets your blood moving and the air invigorates by stimulating the endorphins that de-stress you.
You forgot,

Wine ... It contains alcohol.
Beers .... Also contains alcohol.
Cider .... Contains alcohol but may cause stupidness...
You forgot,

Wine ... It contains alcohol.
Beers .... Also contains alcohol.
Cider .... Contains alcohol but may cause stupidness...

alcohol is a depressant so while you might think it's calming you down and helping you sleep, it isn't really.
and if you drink too much of any of the above, i find that 4 cans of red bull (about 2 pints) dont calm you down at all
and if you drink too much of any of the above, i find that 4 cans of red bull (about 2 pints) dont calm you down at all

Yeh, 4 cans red bull and your so hyper you can paint the ceiling without the ladders. :)
Used to be a heavy coffee drinker, but recently decided to cut down.

I only drink one or two mugs a day now, and instead try to drink green tea.
Coffee never really stopped me getting to sleep, but I seem to be getting a better nights sleep.