2nd box



Ive just got sky installed. reading your messages about a second box i have been given one plus dish and installed it upstairs. now my question is one of my sky boxes is subscription and one is free to air. not known to sky. can i do something to get my other box to recieve all the channels of the other one without subscribing.
if not can i take my card out of the subscribed box and put it in the other box when we go to be to have the channels upstairs.
looking at their contract i am not allowed to take the card out of its registered box as it may be voided if i put it in another?
i thought ide ask before i do this. :confused: :confused:
at the moment you are just getting the free to air (FTA) channels on your 2nd box. you can ring the BBC on 08702 438 000 for a free to view (FTV) card. this is free and will give you all the BBC channels, BBC1, 2, 3, 4, cbeebies, BBC news 24, etc, I*V, chan 4, chan 5, and about 9 others.

if ypou took your card and put it into your 2nd box you would have I*V, sly one, ukgold, etc, but you wouldnt get any BBC channels or any sly movies or sports channels, you would just have a blue screen saying this is the wrong card for this box. if you dont watch films in bed then this would be okay for you.

you could subscribe to sly and have exactly the same channel package on your second box as you have on your main Tv for £12 per month on top of your original bill, if you have movies, etc then it works out a good deal (not as good as free though) but you HAVE to have both boxes connected to a phone line that can make outgoing calls

sly dont care where you got the box from (as long as its not reported stolen) as they give them away anyway and make their money from subscriptions and PPV events, the only thing they are funny about is the phone line with 2nd subscriptions.

hope it helps
