2 subscriptions experiment


Inactive User
Aug 10, 2001
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essex colchester-ipswich
Does anyone have two subs with the second subscription reduced? You know the deal where you get the full package for less than half price, but both boxes have to be connected to same phone line. I don't have subscription myself, but need an experiment to be done. It will not cause any probs, its just a theory i have.
If you unplugged the boxes from the tel. sockets, they wont call out, obvious. But i believe the callback is just stored awaiting next time its connected. Now it takes about 2 or 3 months before sly are aware the boxes are not connected, but they will realise. However, what if you had the box elsewhere, but once a month brought the two boxes together in the original address and done a forced call-back. That would register and all would be fine. :salute:
May be a way to have cheaper subs? Anyone can try? Nothing to lose cos you can always just plug boxes back in permanent.
hiya pinky, only just seen this post. slys system will flag a forced callback and if both boxes are doing one at the same time they start writing letters saying that you will be charged full price for second subscripption unless both boxes are plugged into the same phone line (with a dailing prefix on 1470 if number witheld) so they can check at their lesiure

barstewards lol

Yep, thats my point. As long as they are connected to the same number they will be ok. The signal is sent to do a forced call back, but if the two boxes are not connected, they store the callback in memory. They can check at their leisure, but the responce is not timed. You may be on the phone etc, but as long as the boxes do call back at some point within a month there should be no problems. They can't write and say make sure you boxes are connected at this exact time etc. They can check as many times as they want but as long as the boxes call-back at some point they are happy. Well this is the theory. I just need someone to mess about and see.
See, i was thinking, now that Mickie has sky we could all get half price subscriptions from his house, but all go round one friday and plug our boxes in :)
lmao, i can just picture the phone call

and mr D you have how many tellys

um, 1462

and they are all connected to the SAME phoneline

um, yep, my m8 works for cable and sorted all the phones out

ok, cards on the way

Ok Mickie is helpful but perhaps 1462 subscriptions is a bit much to ask him at first. I wont pm him yet, but maybe you could have half sent to you Digidude:). You know there should be even more discount on that many subs in one home!
Anyway, for now i think we should not go public with this hack, lol.
Right, this is no good for me for various reasons. BUT, this will work! I am confident now.
If you have a full subs for £42 per month, you can add another full subs for £12 per month. You can add a 3rd, and no reason why not a 4th. So 4 full subs for total of £78 per month, split 4 ways = £19.50 each!! CHEEEEAP!
Anyway, all you need to do is plug the boxes in one at a time and do a call-back, just once a month.
If you get any probs (which i cant see why) you say that the other digiboxes are left in standby and when you turn them on they must call-back.
As long as you confirm they are all connected permanent they cannot do anything?
So i think its poss to share & save.
Hi m8

Yeah I unplugged No2 box to see wot happened,letter arrived after 3 weeks saying naughty boy plug it in or else !!

pinky dude, soz m8 but it wont work. slys contract states that every reciever on the deal must be constantly connected to an operational phoneline capable of making outgoing calls, constantly turned on (standby counts) and a correctly alaigned dish. the box can make calls in standby and can be upgraded too. if your tel number is witheld sly will write you letters saying that you are breaching the aggreement as their system cant verify that the boxes are (supposedly) connected to the same phone line. you have to put a 1470 prefix in to each box and sly MUST recieve 2 randomly timed automated callbacks from each box seperately before they believe you.

the service calls i used to get to confused and worried customers when sly first come out with this deal was unreal.

but if mickie dont mind the letters lol
ok the theory is wrong:(
Thing is i'm missing something in the stream/system and cant work it out? I cant see how this timed responce works. But I will keep thinking. One thing i didn't realise is that the box calls-back even in standby. Thats the excuse out of the window.
Its obvious that they send command and then time reply, but this is some system they have to cope with that in practice, MEGA complexed.
pinkhelmets said:
ok the theory is wrong:(
Thing is i'm missing something in the stream/system and cant work it out? I cant see how this timed responce works. But I will keep thinking. One thing i didn't realise is that the box calls-back even in standby. Thats the excuse out of the window.
Its obvious that they send command and then time reply, but this is some system they have to cope with that in practice, MEGA complexed.

what about if you say that your electric was on a meter & you ran out of money -- therefore box off when call back requested ( on electric ? )

maybe that could be your excuse ??
the box has a memory so as soon as it gets the signal if its not connected to the phone or if its engaged itll wait and then send it straight away. sly keep sending the signal untill it hears from the box :(
"sly keep sending the signal untill it hears from the box"

yep, that explains a problem i had. It solves the timed reply issue. I admit my theory has failed before starting:(
lol cheeky buggers .... MRS D might kill ya both lol

but hey this is a good idea i dont see why it would not work...

i have told sky that my phone line has been made to incoming calls only ! and they have said thats fine :) but any updates will take hours instead of minutes (ooo la de da)

so why cant it work ?

cos 1463 extension leads running through the hallway could make things a bit cluttered when mrs D tries to get the hoover from under the staris lmao (and youd never bbe able to use the phone cos that many all queued up waiting for the line would take for ever)

sly use whats called your CLI to verify that both boxes are connected to the same line, thats why if you got a with held number you have to put a dialing in of 1470, this tells the exchange to send your identity down the line. its the same thing as how a caller ID system works.

i know this cos when it first came out i charged a local club a "bargain £100 month" for the full package cos sly wanted £550 off him. lasted 7 weeks lmfao.

was worth a go though

keep thinking though dudes, we'll get there
yeah but i have told them that my phone is not calling out ?

my phone has not been plugged in since i got it ... but they did phone saying that it was not plugged in lol and i told them that we had been put on incoming calls only

and to further this my MRS sister has had sky for 2 years and it has never been plugged in since the engineer fitted it.

so i dont think it matters about phone line as long as you pay them there money !
Wonder if VOIP could offer any advantages here. The Idea:- the remote boxes are plugged into a pstn-to-ip box that converts ptsn to VOIP (several companies do these such as Cisco) which is then tunneled over lan/wan/vpn/internet/whatever back to the premesis of the orignal subscription, where by it breaks out onto the phone line. So in effect, boxes should be able to be placed anywhere in the country but will all appear to be dialing from the original number.

Not really done much hard thinking on this one, but might have potential???

sounds good, i know that the box dials an 0800 type number that dont show on bills so it will work on incoming only. in the first year of having one sky box they only send a few signals as they dont care then as long as you pay your subbs. when you got 2 or more boxes then they would be losing money (£30 per card) every month, this is when they bombard you with the callback signal. if you have a with held number and only one box is registering with your CLI, even though both are connected to the same line within a few weeks they will be sending letters saying that they are going to start charging you the full price for the second subbs.
yeah that does sound good bleeding ;)

but digi what i was saying is that you could get 2 boxes installed and say give one to your brother where you split the difference and then once every 3 months you swap box's with him and then plug that box in for 3 months then swap again again again lol

i dunno maybe not but i dont see why it wont work
Yeh if you can get away without the box dialing at all or dialing very infrequently then your method sounds like a very good plan.

What would be really cool is if you could have a "fake" sly box at the original premesis that could acknowledge the callback signal and dial, guess thats going a bit far from reality though :(
