2 boxes and a multi rooms via an RF modulator , help needed setting up


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VIP Member
Aug 2, 2007
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If I have 3 rooms upstairs with coax feed going to TV's from a skybox (60cm dish) which used the RF out + dreambox 500s which used a scart to 3 phono out lead (seperate motorised dish) which both sit under the main TV downstairs (the cables are already in place)


1 of these in already there ;- http://www.vision-products.co.uk/app/uploads/product_files/459/v40-104.pdf

1 into 6 powered RF splitter box which is already there

how do I set it up so I can view both boxes in all the rooms by simply turning the TV channels over ?. It was originally running fine before me. I was told the dreambox was on 39 and sky box on 67 but I've not idea as to which feed goes were and how this RF modulator and 1 into 6 powered splitter link together and in what order..
Can someone quickly explain to me were the go to and from and how do I set up the modulator (tune it or what ever)
thanks in advance.
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Off the top of my head it should go:-

Dream box in to rf modulator.
Rf modulator in to sky box
skybox in to splitter and off to the tvs.

If I have understood you correctly