1600 Roms


Staff member
Jan 19, 1999
Reaction score
jsut found this file and they are all supposed to be legal ;)

if anyone has a problem with this please contact me or one of the mods and it will be removed i cannot be held resonsable for content as i cannot check every file

PS also check for virus's please before using!


Mickie D
howdo said:
All worked fine for me and virus free. Thanks for the link!

You downloaded a 54.2MB file, extracted it, virus scanned it etc.

Then checked all 1600 ROMs...


All in 109 minutes?

1600 ROMs, even if you spent 109 minutes just doing that it would mean one ROM per 4.1 seconds.

The second smallest file has a name ending "...de.zip" what's the rest?
Spectre said:
You downloaded a 54.2MB file, extracted it, virus scanned it etc.

Then checked all 1600 ROMs...


All in 109 minutes?

1600 ROMs, even if you spent 109 minutes just doing that it would mean one ROM per 4.1 seconds.

The second smallest file has a name ending "...de.zip" what's the rest?
No mate couldnt check them all! all I was saying is they are virus free and mame checks them as working or not. See you went to school and did well at maths!
alreet, thanks for the link, but how do i get em working? and what roms are they? i.e. what do they run on etc....
tomlad said:
alreet, thanks for the link, but how do i get em working? and what roms are they? i.e. what do they run on etc....

its for mame check the sticky here: http://www.digitalworldz.co.uk/forums/56873-mame32_tutorial.html

Then stick the zip file in the roms folder and away you go

Follow the instructions in the sticky and you should be ok...

P.S Cheers MickyD for sorting that link out!!!!
How would I go about making these on my modded xbox?
I done the tutorial and stuff but thats the controls? I've tried every button on my keyboard and nothing happens :(

Got the MAIM console thing working a treat though, really simple to install the games, harder to fing decent ones that i can work or try to control.
i would appreciate if we could all upload roms to the site for clasic arcade games... please use a disclaimer like i did in my post because roms are freeware.. but some are copyrighted and if the owner of the rom contacts me i will remove them ;)
cheers m8. seels to be virus free and shows over 1000 of them to be error free on mame. some classics in there too.