10.2" Inch FLYTOUCH SUPERPAD 6 Android 2.3 Tablet 8GB - What ya think?


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Premium Member
May 18, 2005
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friend at work been looking at one of these, I can't warn her enough to be careful about them (after the poor experience buying a Elenox or what ever it was, had android on it but you could do nothing with it) I ended up with an Archos me self and love it.

Any way any one seen any of these or know any thing about them?


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i would say save up abit more and get a better 1, which is what you probably said anyway, lol!
lol! Yip, told them that, I'll l let her know, it has the same kind of interface as that ellenox or what ever it was that I bought ages ago and that was rubbish.

guess so, I think it's lacking the touch screen though, like the archos and the like, think that's one of the pressure type screens that I can see, rather than a touch one if you know what I mean.

And with the massive black border it's about an 8" one...lol....

I'm just bias as have the archos! :)
ahhh if its resistive screen then defo its out the window, its a capacitive screen ya need like, like the archos!
yeah it's got that same type grey about it that makes me think (looking at that video) it is one! Quick.....run away! ...lol