1 month xbox live who wants it


Inactive User
Aug 24, 2003
Reaction score
hi all
well just got my 360 back to day thay have put a new mobo and new dvdrom in it a benq drive
i sent the xbox back still flast whive ixtrem on the old drive but it had a sucraty stiker on it so dont be scerd to send a modded xbox back thay did my xbox for me .
so i have just flast it and now the arita dl dvd+r that i have that do not work on my Hitachi do work on this new benq drive as well as aone and virb so i am well happy this was my furst benq flash it was well esay to do :)
so eneyway thay have sent me 1 month xbox live gold subscription card and i do not go on live so like will65mcmanus did the furst i to shot for it gets it :)
have a happy xmas
If still available let me have it cheers :)
sonic you have a pm m8
the code has gone to sonic :)
Thank you very much for the code m8 apprieciate it :thumbsup: