1 for digidude i think


Inactive User
Dec 21, 2005
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ok so on thursday im gonna order the tm 6800hd like thomohawk got i think
only 1 problem is where on the house to mount.

if it faces roughley same way as sky then it meas it must go on front of house
now that is a no no the wife will beet me with her rolling pin if i stick a 1m dish on the front of house lol.

so i can put on the back corner but again i think ill get beeten by the bitch,
so only option is back SOMEHOW. now if i raise it with a pole how much above the gutter will it need to be raised by? to clear the roofs peak??

i hope i can achieve this or ill have to get divorced and boot herr out to put dish on chimmney lmfao
lol, get the camcorder going when you stick it on the side wall i wanna see you getting a beating, cant help with how high over the back but i presume if its got a clear line then it,ll be ok or even in the back garden somewhere towards the rear of it (garden size dependent)

i put mine up today and it dont look that big up on the wall unlike when it was in the house and it looked huge,

time beat me today i got it up and was just going to do the adjustments and fine tuning bit but it got dark and i had to go pick the other half up from work.

it must be up ok (secure) cos as soon as id put it up the worst hail and rain and wind (gales infact) hit it and it was still there and not in the school yard across the way lol.

final tweaks to morrow and it,ll be up and running, its not line up correct but i did manage to get some channels inc premier's, premiere hd is cool, i got to see a bit of flight 93 in hd, also theres lots more hd than i thought i had loads of channels up and clearing but they where not in english but for views alone it looked spot on.

the sport portal is cool too, go to the channel and push the red button and select which sport you want to view,

i've not got mine lined up properly till tomorrow but from what ive seen so far its worth every penny i spent.

you,ll not regret it m8, if you survive the battering off the missus lol.
depends how steep ypur roof is m8

i normally put them with the bottom of the dish about 12" above the tiles, this allows for the rutning of the dish without it pluckinf slates and chucking them into the garden

try ebay 330178701042 for the gear m8, give them a ring though and explain that youll need T&K brackets and a pole to fit it on the back of the house, say i sent you and youll get a better deal ;)
ok then lol um going for it lmao.... order it on thursday after i get home from getting new clutch fitted on me 20,000 mile new car lol,,,,,thats the cost alone the bitch lmao....
so after thats sorted im gonna order and hopefully get friday to fit saturday.....

digidudes m8 quated me 380 inc vat and delivery but now i need the stuff digidude suggested aswell :Biggrin2:

last thing what card programmer and cards will i need to aquire some extra freebies lol

cheers guys
you wont need cany cards or programmers m8 (unless you want to subscribe to sommat)
ok im lost now lmao.....

so i get just what is aired for free??doh lol help.....................
darkman patch and softcam my friend, upload via usb stick (easy lol) and magic happens lol.