1 channel pause


Inactive User
Dec 21, 2011
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Finaly got around to installing 1 channel plugin on Vu duo.

Kids wanted to watch Happy Feet 2.

Searched ,found it and started to watch it but paused it for tea.

Came back and cannot continue playback.kids not happy.

Am I right in thinking that 1 channel does not allow pause /restart?
i watched avengers last night and pause was working perfect
Finaly got around to installing 1 channel plugin on Vu duo.

Kids wanted to watch Happy Feet 2.

Searched ,found it and started to watch it but paused it for tea.

Came back and cannot continue playback.kids not happy.

Am I right in thinking that 1 channel does not allow pause /restart?

I think if I was watching happy feet 2 for free I would be very happy, I would like to thank the guys for creating the 1 channel plugin for the vu
Pause works fine here but I wouldnt have any reason to pause it for more then a couple of mins tbh,

I presume when its paused it buffering in the background,maybe buffering for too long caused it to throw a wobbly :)
Just looking at this and seems to be 2 options, one for attached USB and one for none. Guessing one will be for pausing and one for not and even the one for USB will obviously depend on the size of USB on how long you can pause it for.
If you find it won't resume you can press '9' on the remote to skip forward 5 minutes, '7' to skip back. At least you can on a pli image :)

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