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  1. Seedy_r0m

    Are you in the club?

    I'm having a bit of a garage clear out at the mo'. Goodness knows how many USB A, B, mini, micro, thunderbolt and lightning cables I'm getting rid of. It's very very frightening. I'm also tossing a couple of fitness watches and smart speakers, an old 35mm negative scanner which runs on...
  2. Seedy_r0m

    Queens speech on “coronavirus”

    LMAO @ river4ever Listen up dummy, I'm not getting into an argument with a complete assclown tarrier such as yourself. Feel free to have the last word.
  3. Seedy_r0m

    Queens speech on “coronavirus”

    Religion is for the weak willed and simple minded. F'k your pope (aka king of the pee dohs) F'k your CoE/CoS/Wee Free etc. F'k your beliefs. LoL: "religious folks are peaceful/respectful people. If we were all like that the world would be a better place" YOu really are aN r TARD
  4. Seedy_r0m

    Wastwater Cumbria

    That is one beautiful image. What did you use to take the shot and what post prod' software did you use?
  5. Seedy_r0m

    Know your ally: Britain

    I found this little gem on my travels. Sardine can indeed!!!
  6. Seedy_r0m

    General News 'Ain't No Sunshine' singer Bill Withers dies at 81

    A sad loss indeed. His music and the memories attached to them will live on. Thank you for the music Bill 👍
  7. Seedy_r0m

    Plant helps prevent the spread of corona

    Alternatively... Stock up on Cheetos & Nik Naks.
  8. Seedy_r0m

    Ive set up a quiz

    You're doing a great job HH, I was once in the same position, however a series of unfortunate events saw me relinquish the role. (that's my story and I'm damn well sticking to it) :) As you said, the Q's & A's are not known beforehand, so as long as all players are playing with a straight bat...
  9. Seedy_r0m

    Pornhub wants people to stay at home, offers free premium subscriptions to everyone

    Aye thanks for that...It's f'n hard enough trying to find bog roll as it is without this adding to the crisis. Back in the day we used to either wank into a sock, or spill your seed on the floor then wipe it up afterwards with a sock...either way the sock was getting it.
  10. Seedy_r0m

    The problem with working from home

    Funny posts, but on a serious note, online pr0n is having a diverse effect on relationships. Nowadays it seems acceptable to slap, spank, spit on, strangle and generally debase your partner. Access to pr0n nowadays requires nothing more than a click preceded by a few well chosen words in a...
  11. Seedy_r0m

    No Pride?

    Sorry, I was drawn in by the title. I thought this was a thread related to the current pandemic and that poofs aren't allowed to march/mince/strut about waving rainbow flags?
  12. Seedy_r0m

    Totally topical.

    I was in the Chemists today and asked the assistant "What gets rid of the coronavirus"? She answered "Ammonia cleaner". I replied..."Sorry, I thought you worked here".
  13. Seedy_r0m

    Ive set up a quiz

    Am I allowed back in? :)
  14. Seedy_r0m

    Businesses ripping people off during this crisis

    I hope people remember the shops and business who try to cash in during this challenging time.
  15. Seedy_r0m

    Super sex

    And another...
  16. Seedy_r0m

    Kenny Rogers: Country music legend dies aged 81

    Willie Nelson could knock Kenny Rogers into a cocked hat, and could kick his erse when it came to rollin' a fatty.
  17. Seedy_r0m

    Essential Supplies

    Who needs bog roll while the Sun, Star, Mirror, Mail are still in publication?
  18. Seedy_r0m

    HIM HER..?

    Also sprach Zarathustra
  19. Seedy_r0m

    Save The Dolphins From JAPAN KILLERS

    I could go for a lightly grilled Dolphin sammitch right about now.
  20. Seedy_r0m

    Just turned the Scotland match over

    I'm all for replacing the entire squad with Wishay Juniors first team., what's to lose? We haven't had a decent team since...well never.