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Rat's Bouquet Maker [RBM] 2017-06-25

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Rats Bouquets Maker (RBM)

v1.0 beta - 19/11/16

Rat @ DigitalWorldz is proud to introduce a brand new version of Rat's Bouquet/Channel Updater, now known as Rats Bouquets Maker (RBM).

RBM features:-

  • Bouquets in same order as Rats Bouquets
  • Select nearest local region
  • Ability to keep any of the regional channels (1-5) in SD for those areas where HD regional channel isn't available
  • Ability to swap S4C HD for Ch4 HD when Wales is selected as area.
  • Setup regular scheduled automatic scans
  • Update configurations file - for any possible additions/removals of channels
  • Check if any new version of plugin is available
  • Ability to hide 'Adult' bouquet section

RBM is based on (and thanks to) existing AutoBouquetsMaker by OE-A team but with removed menu options that are not needed and made improvements to default user options to match the requirements of Rats Bouquets.

How To Install:-
This is still beta so please ensure you make a full image backup first. Install the plugin via usual means.

How To Use:-

  1. Access RatsBouquetsMaker (RBM) from within Service searching menu option of your image (this varies dependent upon image).
  2. Click on "Configure" and here you have various options to choose from including setting a regular scan up.
  3. Click on "Providers" and under "area" select your nearest regional area and click save.
  4. Now just click on Start Scan and it will scan and normally takes about 1min to complete.

Other options:-

  • If you wish to delete any existing bouquets then choose, "Delete Bouquets". This option will remove ALL bouquets.
  • If you wish to ensure you have latest config files (ie in case of new channels, etc) then select "Update config files"
  • If you wish to hide "Adult" bouquet section, this can be done within "Configure" menu.
  • To hide RoI, Wales and Scotland bouquet sections, within "Providers" menu, select "No" for Rats ROI and Other Bouquets. NB: Going back into "Providers" menu will automatically re-enable these bouquets sections.

This is still in beta stages therefore I would be grateful if you could test this and post back on what Box and image (inc version/build date, if known) you tested it on and what you think and also any suggestions of improving it or bugs.

If you are using RBM on the following boxes:-

Mutant HD51/52, Solo 4k, Wetek Play or Amiko Alien

then you will need to replace a file that is unique to the processor in these boxes. Other boxes are fine to work as usual.

HOW TO REPLACE FILE (if you have a Mutant HD51/52, Solo 4k, Wetek Play):
1. FTP to the following folder, "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/RatsBouquetsMaker/scanner"
2. Rename the file "" as "dvbreader.mip"
3. In same folder, rename file "dvbreader.arm" as ""

HOW TO REPLACE FILE (if you have an Amiko Alien):
1. FTP to the following folder, "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/RatsBouquetsMaker/scanner"
2. Rename the file "" as "dvbreader.mip"
3. In same folder, rename file "dvbreader.sh4" as ""

Remember if you don't have any of these boxes then you don't need to do anything.

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