Idiot new members

Prove themselves???

I don't deny that people like yourself do want to be a decent member here and are willing to learn BUT there are also a lot of the 'I WANNA KNOW NOW' people who don't. If you showed them a search button they'd probably ask what it does!!!
I don't mind helping...christ I ask enough questions myself. Its the idiots who post idiotic stupid replies in some of the threads that piss me off.Just to get a post count up...hit n runners half of them!
I'll tell you another thing that pisses me off as well. I sat down about 4 yrs ago and learnt the ins-and-outs of file sharing from torrents through to newsgroups.All on my own time and got good at them through reading and learning. NOW all I get from every family member-neighbour-friend of a friend-uncles dog is can you set it up for me.


when i said prove them self i ment by seeing if they change there way's and get more involved in the forum i am sure the mods and admin of the forum can spot a so called SPONGER as you put it. I say let the mods and admin do there job :)
I have read all the threads and I have to admit there are fors and againsts for each tread.
When I joined I must admit it was for the downloads, but as you see I have not got threre yet, and in the end I got what I needed some where else, but I am still here and enjoying it.
You will always get the ones who just join to get what they want and when thay have it there gone, unfortunately we will just have to learn to live with that and try to ignore them, but don't forget if you try to limit the membership in some way, what you end up with is a dwindling membership. What I say is let the idiots do there thing eventually they will disapear, and what you are left with is the ones that care and want to help other, which is what I shall try to do.
Now I got that of my chest don't slag me off to much
I have read all the threads and I have to admit there are fors and againsts for each tread.
When I joined I must admit it was for the downloads, but as you see I have not got threre yet, and in the end I got what I needed some where else, but I am still here and enjoying it.
You will always get the ones who just join to get what they want and when thay have it there gone, unfortunately we will just have to learn to live with that and try to ignore them, but don't forget if you try to limit the membership in some way, what you end up with is a dwindling membership. What I say is let the idiots do there thing eventually they will disapear, and what you are left with is the ones that care and want to help other, which is what I shall try to do.
Now I got that of my chest don't slag me off to much

And I salute your honesty!
I have no problems with anyone who asks "stupid questions" or hasn't twigged about searching.

We are all at different stages in our knowledge and understanding and some are better at some things than others.

What I do dislike is deliberate post clocking but even then it isn't always totally clear that that is what someone is doing - they could be just keen to join in. I'm glad it isn't me who has to decide which is which.
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well said hamba :)

when I was a newbie I asked the most stupid questions Id get the answer but sometimes still didnt get it but I never got shouted down there was always someone willing to help me (and others)
Ive worked my way upto Admin and I still ask (to some who know the answers) stupid questions,because we are always learning

if I know the answer I will always help,if I ask a question I would hope someone would help me (regardless of my title)

we will always get a handfull of members thjat will post clock and download and run (99.9% of the time we catch them) lol
but we have many members that see past the downloads and see what a great community we have here :Hit:

sorry to bore u lol
I hope I don't get found out ......being a post clocking download on run type
sorry to bore u lol

It wasn't boring Rat, it was an intruiging talk for sure. Great to see Admins not post clocking hey? lol

Anyways, I think newbies just wanna get a feel of the place because thats what I used to do when I first started off. I used to ask simple questions but then I got used to forums and stuff, and then someone pointed me here (my cousin). And I've came to the best forum out there for sure. What a great community! :eater:

Just like to take the chance to thank anyone and everyone who have helped me, helped others and helped this forum get where it is now. : colors1

Sorry to bore you aswell ;)
I initially joined cause I needed help with a N.L box, I wasn't really post clocking but, I was trying to get to 20 posts as soon as I could. I still haven't find the files that I joined in the first place, but who cares!!!!! With so many forums I'm really enjoing myself and if I can help, even if it is the most 'stupid' question, I'll try to answer. Anyway I got my eyes set on a Mod job, so I think I'll be here for a long time Lol
if your on about stupid questions from a noob then add me to the list and keep it there
if are you on about banning members who ask then i'm first
i still ask questions and probably always will
a man who says he dont ask questions and knows it all is a fooking lier and you can tell him i said so
All these people signing up is sign of how popular DW has become and all the admins/mods/members who were here from the start should be proud. You always see Digital World images on ebay now, it's a sign of well renowned the community has become but pretty upsetting people are exploiting the website, but it would be hypocritical to call them since the site is exploiting the cable companies.

newbies isn't the problem, its a good thing. The thread should be called idiot post clockers. May be the post count should be raised to allow access to the download section, although this may cause a rise in post clocking.
It used to be 150 then 50 then 20. The downloads is why people come here most of the time. Most of them run when they get what they want. But we hope that by the time they've hit the 20, they've realized that DW is not just a Download Center but a place to hang out, learn and help others.

If 1 out of 10 stick around then it's been worth it. :)
just read the 1st post again and origanal poster does say Kids signing up lol
in which case we dont want kids here,we have been through that before ;)
At least we all know one thing for sure. The ones that run are the losers. They dont know what they are missing do they?
It used to be 150 then 50 then 20. The downloads is why people come here most of the time. Most of them run when they get what they want. But we hope that by the time they've hit the 20, they've realized that DW is not just a Download Center but a place to hang out, learn and help others.

If 1 out of 10 stick around then it's been worth it. :)

Yes, makes sense. Do people get a ban if people are inactive? Because you will be able to tell the leechers, who vanish and then re-appear when in bother.
All these people signing up is sign of how popular DW has become and all the admins/mods/members who were here from the start should be proud.

Well thank you.....the reason someone joins a forum is mainly to gain information and it by leeching or asking stupid questions.

We all ask stupid questions from time to time.

Regarding people who join then post clock, these people stand out like a sore thumb. Then you get the other members who join and post, but you can see these ones asking silly questions but in a sensible way...(if that makes sense) these are the ones that stay.

We will always get them, as no one knows ALL the answers!
Feck if I got cable for would see some crap coming from me!