your most hated player in premiership


Inactive User
Mar 24, 2005
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apart from that **** robbie savage

Arjen Robben. and drogba for diving
Cashley Cole is a detestable little shit. Followed by Lampard. His arrogance is overwhelming

Then u for the Neville bros...
ronaldo and drogba for the diving !!!

joey barton is a cock, john let me speak to the REF terry **** has always something to say, i dont mind robbie savage its his game to play like that.

i cant stand the cheating more than winding people up etc
Mark Viduka, ate all the pies at Leeds and only played when it suited him. Same thing at Boro, only started playing when he needed a new contract. Bags of talent but lazy!
The usual suspects. The cheats and the twats.

Barton. Ronaldo, Robben, Drogba, Bowyer, Bellamy.
Most proffesional footballers are stuck up little girls these days but Arjen Robben would top my list.

Would have to be Robben for me to. He's everything I hate in a footballer; complete coward who thinks they're better than they are
Lampard my most hated player he over rated and over payed and when he plays for England :NoNo: sorry I mean turn up for England they give him the option to run forward and shoot "bs" thats Gerrard position. :end:
can we h8 scholes for being a whingin ginger tw*t
drogba he is a divin c*** if he stayed on his feet more he would have hit 30 goals just in the first half of the season

and dawson that plays for spurs he is a dick i hate him so much che thinks he owns the place complete arse

drogba 6" something, strong, 14st + but goes down every 2mins like a fairy

he keeps throwing him self forward when he jumps up for the ball , holding his neck like hes been cracked on the back of the head/neck

the guy dives non-stop rolls about like hes been shoot then 2mins later hes sprinting after the ball

id love to see what he does if someone punches him hed end up in hospital for months

JUST REM SURPRIsed no 1s mention jens lahmenn i hate his aswell

what a mouth hes got on him , hes arrogant, and hes a play actor aswell

him and drogba make the perfect couple, romance is in the air lol
gotta be fat frank lampard

i wish barcelona had bought him, then chelsea would be a great team, all his goals have at least 4 deflections
Keith Hackett, the head of referees, says the outstanding form of Cristiano Ronaldo and Didier Drogba is largely because they have stopped diving. (The Guardian)

i right.........
Gotta be Drogba. I'd quite like to see all the footballers play a game of rugby, and all the rugby players play football. That would be well worth a watch. About time footy players toughen up, they fall over at the slightest breeze...bunch of nancies.
Has to be Alan Shearer for me, greed got the better of him, he had a chance to become the best striker ever and turned it down joined Necastle instead of the Reds,
not only that he is the most arrogant man you will ever meet, believe me i met him in Whickam ( Gateshead ) and he wanted me to call him Mr Shearer, as if, what a total dick head.

but most other guys on here already mentioned the cheats and twatz.
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pmsl @ the mancs all sayind drogba lmao because he dives lolololololol

3 seasons back i would never of moaned about diving players as we had pires and reyes lol.

but thats how they are lmao, fooking moan about drogba and you have ronaldo playing the one who winks at his REAL mates lol to get sent off another team mate lmao rofl.... while i will agree with drogba being 14 odd stone and falls over like he was shot from the stands (look out sniper lol) you cant codemn with one eye but turn the other lol

should not chuck stones if you live in glass houses!

@ the post about lehman i agree he can be a right cock at times!
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