Global Cooling ?


DW Regular ++
Nov 10, 2020
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Cooling until the 2050s

Floods caused by climate change is nothing new it seems, as this was 50 years ago.

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Cooling until the 2050s

Floods caused by climate change is nothing new it seems, as this was 50 years ago.

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Try telling that to the Maldives or other islands that won't exist when the seas rise from global warming. But as long as you can still dig fossil fuels, and increase the wealth of billionaires, then we're good yeah!
It does seem strange that even when there is so much evidence to show that not every disaster is caused by man and that we have had climate change going on for millenia, and even within the last couple of centuries it has been much warmer in the UK than it is now as the Romans were growing grapes along Hadrian's Wall when they were here. The ice in the antartcic is currently growing but we never hear about that, just that the arctic ice is shrinking.

When I was at school we were told that we had to worry about a nuclear attack from Russia and we would only have a 4 minute warning before we were annhilated then after that threat diminished we were told that we were heading for a mini ice age then when Maggie wanted to smash the unions she paid the scientists to come up with a reason to close the coal mines, and even though we continued to buy and import the subsidised inferior coal from Poland, her scientists came up with the idea that coal was causing an increases in CO2 that was making the earth warmer, which became global warming all of a sudden and the mini ice age was never mentioned again, then because there was a colder spell for a decade or so in the 1990s the global warming was changed to climate change.

I doubt that we will know the truth until most of us are dead and buried, as they are still only talking about a rise of 1 or 2 degrees by the end of the century so by that time maybe we will be growing grapes up by Hadrian's wall once more.
It does seem strange that even when there is so much evidence to show that not every disaster is caused by man and that we have had climate change going on for millenia, and even within the last couple of centuries it has been much warmer in the UK than it is now as the Romans were growing grapes along Hadrian's Wall when they were here. The ice in the antartcic is currently growing but we never hear about that, just that the arctic ice is shrinking.

When I was at school we were told that we had to worry about a nuclear attack from Russia and we would only have a 4 minute warning before we were annhilated then after that threat diminished we were told that we were heading for a mini ice age then when Maggie wanted to smash the unions she paid the scientists to come up with a reason to close the coal mines, and even though we continued to buy and import the subsidised inferior coal from Poland, her scientists came up with the idea that coal was causing an increases in CO2 that was making the earth warmer, which became global warming all of a sudden and the mini ice age was never mentioned again, then because there was a colder spell for a decade or so in the 1990s the global warming was changed to climate change.

I doubt that we will know the truth until most of us are dead and buried, as they are still only talking about a rise of 1 or 2 degrees by the end of the century so by that time maybe we will be growing grapes up by Hadrian's wall once more.

Ok then, i'll bite :)

Where is the evidence that climate change has been going for millenia?
Where is the evidence showing that the antarctic is growing?
How is coal that is imported inferior? Coal is coal. It's not a man made product like steel, so enlighten me how it is inferior?
Where is the evidence showing that "Thatchers scientists" came up with coal causing an increase in CO2?

As for your grapes analogy, we already grow grapes in the UK. There is a booming industry in the South East of England, with many wineries producing some fine wines from that region, and also some sparkling ones that rival the Champange region.

What we do know;

There have been hot/cold periods of the earth for a long time. We can see this via soil and ice samples. But since recording started, we are continually having hotter summers, and colder winters. We're also having different weather patterns, with an increased amount of tornado's, tsunami's, hurricanes and other weather.

The artic ice is shrinking at an unprecendented rate, NASA have been tracking the shrinkage, and this video will show that quite well;

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2nd article shows you're being disingenious about the artice sheet it's also nearly 7 years old, and things have changed greatly.

This explains the whole Thatcher thing quite well, and she wasn't the first to raise the alarm. Seems she did it for political gain rather than for the planet;

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2nd article shows that climate change was known about during the 60s, a full 18 years before thatcher came to power.

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More evidence showing you've been disingenuious. Your whole post is copy pasta, and disingenious at best, you're not representing science, you've cherry picked certain parts of reports and posted them.

I'll await the rest of your replies before I offer additional evidence.
You do realise that it is much warmer south of the Watford Gap than alongside Hadrian's Wall don't you and that it is only in recent years that they have started imprioving techniques to be able to grow more vineyards in the south than we used to be able to do.

Antarctic glaciers

When the earth was formed, sadly for those with imaginary friends it was not created by any gods, it was a molten mass that cooled over time to become solid. In those many biullions of years it has gone through ice ages and where even the cooler regions were more tropical.

Your links only go to prove that Maggie did indeed start the ball rolling to help her to smash the unions.

Have you seen the amount of CO2 that is in the atmosphere, even if the UK produced no CO2 from tomorrow it would not make one iota of difference to anyone or anything, other than to make most ordinary people in the UK much poorer as less than 1% of next to nothing is hardly worth bothering about.

Until they find a way to regulate the output of the sun there is nothing much we can do to influence the climate or as most people would call it, the weather, any more than King Canute could command the tide not to come in. No one has yet explained that if it really is man who is responsible for the weather on earth and not the sun then why has Mars mirrored the temperature changes on earth, for as long as they have been able to monitor it and other than in the Disney cartoons there have not been any people on Mars, as far as we know, just a couple of electrically powered rovers.
You do realise that it is much warmer south of the Watford Gap than alongside Hadrian's Wall don't you and that it is only in recent years that they have started imprioving techniques to be able to grow more vineyards in the south than we used to be able to do.

Antarctic glaciers

When the earth was formed, sadly for those with imaginary friends it was not created by any gods, it was a molten mass that cooled over time to become solid. In those many biullions of years it has gone through ice ages and where even the cooler regions were more tropical.

Your links only go to prove that Maggie did indeed start the ball rolling to help her to smash the unions.

Have you seen the amount of CO2 that is in the atmosphere, even if the UK produced no CO2 from tomorrow it would not make one iota of difference to anyone or anything, other than to make most ordinary people in the UK much poorer as less than 1% of next to nothing is hardly worth bothering about.

Until they find a way to regulate the output of the sun there is nothing much we can do to influence the climate or as most people would call it, the weather, any more than King Canute could command the tide not to come in. No one has yet explained that if it really is man who is responsible for the weather on earth and not the sun then why has Mars mirrored the temperature changes on earth, for as long as they have been able to monitor it and other than in the Disney cartoons there have not been any people on Mars, as far as we know, just a couple of electrically powered rovers.

Nice little straw man argument. You've failed to provide any evidence to back up your original claims, nor have you offered any for your further claims. You've also changed your argument mid sentence to try and suit your rhethoric.

Regulate the output of the sun?!? Because we've needed to do that for millenia...
I definitely think if humans didn’t roam the Earth there would be no deforestation and that would sort out the CO2 levels. Oh yeah there would be no transportation no electricity and no industry the biggest contributors of greenhouse gases.
I definitely think if humans didn’t roam the Earth there would be no deforestation and that would sort out the CO2 levels. Oh yeah there would be no transportation no electricity and no industry the biggest contributors of greenhouse gases.
Well that's already been proven. When we had the lockdown, we saw a vast improvement in air quality and CO2 levels, we also saw some regeneration of forests etc. We are a parasite to this earth, and when we're gone, then the earth will flourish once again.
Our actions have contributed to the decimation of 60% of the Earth’s species.
I totally agree with what Janobi said the Earth would flourish without us.
The big question is can we change and reverse what we have done.🙄
Nice little straw man argument. You've failed to provide any evidence to back up your original claims, nor have you offered any for your further claims. You've also changed your argument mid sentence to try and suit your rhethoric.

Regulate the output of the sun?!? Because we've needed to do that for millenia...
The artcle I linked to in my first reply to you proved the bit about the Antarctic. I didn't think that anyone in the UK didn't know that the further south you are then the warmer it is than in the northern parts. The mention of the sun was to try to make you realise that the sun is responsible for our climate and that on Mars, greater output indicated by sun spot activinty warms the earth up more as well as Mars, less activity causes less warming.
The artcle I linked to in my first reply to you proved the bit about the Antarctic. I didn't think that anyone in the UK didn't know that the further south you are then the warmer it is than in the northern parts. The mention of the sun was to try to make you realise that the sun is responsible for our climate and that on Mars, greater output indicated by sun spot activinty warms the earth up more as well as Mars, less activity causes less warming.

The sun warms you, but if you put clothes on you get warmer still. That is what green house gases do to the Earth and we are putting those gases into the atmosphere.
The artcle I linked to in my first reply to you proved the bit about the Antarctic. I didn't think that anyone in the UK didn't know that the further south you are then the warmer it is than in the northern parts. The mention of the sun was to try to make you realise that the sun is responsible for our climate and that on Mars, greater output indicated by sun spot activinty warms the earth up more as well as Mars, less activity causes less warming.
You clearly don't understand science, or how the sun actually works. Nor do you understand what the atmophere is, or how that works. Nor do you understand the ozone layer, or how that works. Have a read up on those things first, then come back and we can talk about this more.
You clearly don't understand science, or how the sun actually works. Nor do you understand what the atmophere is, or how that works. Nor do you understand the ozone layer, or how that works. Have a read up on those things first, then come back and we can talk about this more.
Perhaps he studied at the University of Facebook mate. Where you can watch a couple of videos and be awarded a Doctorate on all things known, or as they see it, unknown to man. Except themselves of course.
Never ceases to amaze me how these loonies listen to a nobody on FB or YT but completely disregard what eminent scientists all over the World are and have been saying for years. People who actually study the climate for a living.
The problem is that so many of those saying that man is to blame are " People who actually study the climate for a living." Nice work if you can get it I suppose.

When you explain why Mars has mirrored our warming and cooling and what difference the miniscule amount of the CO2 that we produce will affect the minisule amount of total CO2 in the world as a percentage of the atmosphere, then I may start to believe that those Martians and their industry, driving around in their internal combustion cars and flying in their jet plaes are affecting the climate on Mars much more than the sun does.
The problem is that so many of those saying that man is to blame are " People who actually study the climate for a living." Nice work if you can get it I suppose.

When you explain why Mars has mirrored our warming and cooling and what difference the miniscule amount of the CO2 that we produce will affect the minisule amount of total CO2 in the world as a percentage of the atmosphere, then I may start to believe that those Martians and their industry, driving around in their internal combustion cars and flying in their jet plaes are affecting the climate on Mars much more than the sun does.
You cannot compare the atmosphere of Mars to that of Earth. Also Mars is closer to the sun than Earth, so naturally it'll have a hotter planet, hence it's a desert there.

Im still waiting for you to provide your evidence of everything you're claiming. I see you're making straw man arguments again too, CO2 produced by the human population is massive, and has increased greatly since the industrial revolution. Also through deforestation, and more acidic seas then we're losing those things that actually combat the greenhouse affect.