clone but which type?


VIP Member
VIP Member
Dec 3, 2012
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hey guys

i have a clone vu solo2 i got it over a year ago and im running vix 802 build(before driver change) i seriously need to get a newer image as i cant access the plugin feeds anymore and the image is seriously out of date.

my problem is that i have seen there is many different clone friendly images here but they are for different types of clone but may brick ur box if u flash the wrong one.

how do i know which type of clone i have???

also will Upgrading the FPGA(sticky thread) to accept any image work on any clone or is only certain clones.??

any help would be gratefully appreciated.

Any sticker on the box directing you to websites for image downloads ?

Is there a service port on the rear ? If not then you'll need to take picture of the motherboard for member to identify it for you.
no sticker but i was directed by the seller to "" if i wanted to update image.

yes there is a rs 232 port at the back.

do u have any idea what kinda clone it is?
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here are a few images if they are not good enough let me know and i will try to get a better camera


yeah its says lonrisun. can't believe i didn't spot that when i had it open earlier


im assuming that means i can use any clone friendly lonrisun image?

also does that mean i can Upgrade the FPGA like in the sticky thread? or is that only for sunray clones??

btw which one is better sunray or lonrisun and why??

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Urm no you can't unless you happen to know which firmware the box is running. If the box is a year or so old and assuming you haven't actually updated the firmware then it will be running v1 or v2 both of which with the wrong flash can result in a bricked box.

If I was you I'd go through the process of updating the box to v4 so that at least you have some protection in place else you're next post will most likely be help I've bricked my box.

Also in terms of image and feeds what are you after, I'm still running vix 808 on my clone solo2 and once setup I've never really needed to get anything else and anything you want you can normally find via Google.
Urm no you can't unless you happen to know which firmware the box is running. If the box is a year or so old and assuming you haven't actually updated the firmware then it will be running v1 or v2 both of which with the wrong flash can result in a bricked box.

If I was you I'd go through the process of updating the box to v4 so that at least you have some protection in place else you're next post will most likely be help I've bricked my box.

Also in terms of image and feeds what are you after, I'm still running vix 808 on my clone solo2 and once setup I've never really needed to get anything else and anything you want you can normally find via Google.

how do i find out what firmware i have and how do i go about updating it to v4.

yeah i know i had mine setup with all the plugins installed and i done a backup. one day i decided to try open pli/blackhole but didnt like them so i used my backup with all my setting saved etc to restore. but i figured out i made a settings backup and not an image backup(i know im a dumbass).

i have tried many times to put plugins on the box by ftp them to the box but the only one that work are from world of sat website. other than cccam the only other plugins i want are the plugin ts media and the driver for my wifi dongle, i have tired every driver i could find on the internet for the driver of the wifi dongle but i kept getting some error while trying to install. its been months since i tired it so i cant remember the error.

if i could find that driver i would be delighted as it would mean i would have one less thing i could take off the list when i troubleshoot internet problems which i have weekly.(i have a strange internet setup dont ask.)

i even got my buddys vu solo2(which i got from the same source as mine) done a full image backup(with the drivers and plugins i wanted) as his had a newer version of vix that could access the feeds on it.
but when i put this image backup or his original clone friendly image it would crash within 2 minutes if i changed the channel.
i tired all the other clone freindly images(blackhole,openpl and vix) the source of the box provided me with but they would also crash within 2 minutes if i changed the channel. but they work on my buddies box without a problem, i got him the box about 6 months after i got mine. so i can only assume his box has a newer firmware version than mine and thats why his can handle them.:Mad2: :Mad2:
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how do i find out what firmware i have and how do i go about updating it to v4.

yeah i know i had mine setup with all the plugins installed and i done a backup. one day i decided to try open pli/blackhole but didnt like them so i used my backup with all my setting saved etc to restore. but i figured out i made a settings backup and not an image backup(i know im a dumbass).

i have tried many times to put plugins on the box by ftp them to the box but the only one that work are from world of sat website. other than cccam the only other plugins i want are the plugin ts media and the driver for my wifi dongle, i have tired every driver i could find on the internet for the driver of the wifi dongle but i kept getting some error while trying to install. its been months since i tired it so i cant remember the error.

if i could find that driver i would be delighted as it would mean i would have one less thing i could take off the list when i troubleshoot internet problems which i have weekly.(i have a strange internet setup dont ask.)

i even got my buddys vu solo2(which i got from the same source as mine) done a full image backup(with the drivers and plugins i wanted) as his had a newer version of vix that could access the feeds on it.
but when i put this image backup or his original clone friendly image it would crash within 2 minutes if i changed the channel.
i tired all the other clone freindly images(blackhole,openpl and vix) the source of the box provided me with but they would also crash within 2 minutes if i changed the channel. but they work on my buddies box without a problem, i got him the box about 6 months after i got mine. so i can only assume his box has a newer firmware version than mine and thats why his can handle them.:Mad2: :Mad2:

Some update info here

but updating the firmware is a no go for me as i dont have a console port on my macbook:Mad2:.

will any lonsruin clone image in the downloads section work with my box or will they brick it since mine is not a v4 box?
do u have any idea where i can get a safe vix image that will work and allow me access to the plugin feeds

Also in terms of image and feeds what are you after, I'm still running vix 808 on my clone solo2 and once setup I've never really needed to get anything else and anything you want you can normally find via Google.

do u know where i could find working drivers for wifi dongle i have searched Google high and low but none of them ever work.
my head was melted from the searching and the hope that this one will actually install and work.

i cant remember the exact driver off hand but if u could just point me to where u found urs if u did find one i would be forever grateful.
but updating the firmware is a no go for me as i dont have a console port on my macbook:Mad2:.

will any lonsruin clone image in the downloads section work with my box or will they brick it since mine is not a v4 box?
do u have any idea where i can get a safe vix image that will work and allow me access to the plugin feeds

do u know where i could find working drivers for wifi dongle i have searched Google high and low but none of them ever work.
my head was melted from the searching and the hope that this one will actually install and work.

i cant remember the exact driver off hand but if u could just point me to where u found urs if u did find one i would be forever grateful.

Lot of vix images labled V2 here
Just make sure you don't choose Vix v2 labelled Sunray as that's for Sunray clones and not lonrison I'm afraid.
I have a backup of VIX 3.0.808, with plugin downloads working. Let me know if you'd like a copy
I have a backup of VIX 3.0.808, with plugin downloads working. Let me know if you'd like a copy

Yes I would love a Copy. Is it definitely for lonsirun box and v2?

How did u manage to get the plugins to work?
definatly a lonsirun box, V2? not sure, would it matter with original drivers?

coping the /etc/OPKG folder from a new build of VIX over the 808 version and reboot. the updates work
i thought vix 802 build was the last with the original drivers.

i would be greatfull if u could upload this image it would save me time since i can just use my settings backup from my current image.
i tried copying OPKG folder from a new build of VIX over a few weeks ago from a guide here, it didnt work for some reason
now when i go to download plugins i get "no new plugins found" instead of the feeds down for maintenance like i use to

i tried copying OPKG folder from a new build of VIX over a few weeks ago from a guide here, it didnt work for some reason. now when i go to download plugins i get "no new plugins found" instead of the feeds down for maintenance like i use to
What version of Vix were the feeds from?
Good question, I never checked. I used it to get TSmedia loaded and to run OPKG update