M&S tells Muslim staff they CAN refuse to serve customers buying alcohol or pork


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Aug 29, 2001
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M&S tells Muslim staff they CAN refuse to serve customers buying alcohol or pork
^^^Full Story ^^^

Marks & Spencer has told Muslim staff they can refuse to serve shoppers buying alcohol or pork, it has been revealed.
The chain has granted checkout workers in more than 700 stores permission to politely decline to serve customers for religious reasons.
Instead, shoppers are being asked to wait to pay for certain items at a different till.

Nothing like a little tolerance and goodwill at Christmas, is there ?

And that applies to both "sides".:whistle:
The stupid thing about that is they are to not eat or drink it. It's OK to touch it!
And that's from an Islamic Community leader, the wife's school had something similar where some of the kids refused to touch a piggy bank!

Seen this earlier and I do shop there.

From Islamic texts, alcohol being haraam varies in interpretation from being all alcohol, certain types of alcohol - fermented, fermented from dates, etc... to it being something that should just be avoided.

It's all total shit.

So Muslims need to avoid touching bottles of alcohol do they? Where does that end? I've touched alcohol and sat on a bus, is that seat now unclean?

That is the political component of the Islamic ideology (it isn't just a religion, it is an ideology) being used to subvert the harbi and dar al-Garb.

Anyway, M&S are pushing self-service so checkouts are on borrowed time.
The stupid thing about that is they are to not eat or drink it. It's OK to touch it!
And that's from an Islamic Community leader, the wife's school had something similar where some of the kids refused to touch a piggy bank!


If you are (a Muslim) choking to death and swigging some booze will save you then it is obligatory to drink alcohol.
utterly pathetic,

i wouldn't be waiting politely for fook all....
why do we have to submit to these religious nuts who believe in fairy stories?

i expect a sales assistant to assist me in any sale, regardless of their superstitious beliefs...

don't see why we need to make special allowances here.. :(
Can you imagine queuing on a busy day for 10/15 minutes to be asked politely to use another till
I can tell you I would not be so polite in telling the cashier to go do one lol
Simple solution - just stand there until everything is rung through, pay at the end. They either sort it or the till is effectively closed - end of :)

Let us explore the practicalities of this.

Is handling of foodstuff by a checkout assistant with the left hand sunnah for both Muslim and Kuffar customers?

Left hand tied behind back?
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hmmm how about if it offends you don't apply for a job there, give it to someone that actually wants to help people.
Corner shop hipocrisy.

If I'm refused alcohol service at M&S I'll down the offending bottle or wine in front of them and storm out.
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any chance u can sneak me a bible in plz ?

Qur'ans are widely available and essentially the Old Testament if that would do. Torah might be a bit more difficult to obtain but still the same thing,