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tm 5402 hd m2


VIP Member
VIP Member
hi guys just got a tm5402 hd m2 , do I just need to download the patch 109 and the add on 02 , or is there anything else , im all setup on 13e , 19e and 30w

thx in advance for any help , will reply to any replies later as am off to work
Patch then addon.
If loading line by usb you need csinfo file as well.
Alos load softcam.
1.09 does not open 23.5e but I think 1.07 does.
so basically load the patch 109 first then the addon , then the softcam which I take it at the moment is 135 , doesn't really matter about 23.5 as im on fixed dishes so am only getting 13e and 19e on one of them and 30w on the other , cant find the csinfo file , have looked in downloads , just tring to get all the bits I need together so can sort it out when my ethernet cable gets here
A softcam is not numbered.
135 is the number of m1 patch
csinfo here

Files deleted not dl, dw issue.
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wen I try to save the csinfo file its saying do I want to save the attachment and wen I say save it just freezes up and wont let me , wen I save the softcam file it said do I want to save the softcam file and let me
Open csinfo
Enter your details into the file.
Load onto usb
Go to Menu -usb-select data transfer-select csinfo file-press ok-it will load then exit
oki doke got the now so I just need to put them on to my usb stick , load the patch , then the addon along with the csinfo and finally the softcam

I think I have sorted the download (attachment) issue, but not 100%, seems we had an out of date mime type for RARS.

let me know if there is any others that are not working, I think it was limited to rars... but going forward this should be fixed.

have connected the stb via router to stb , ip settings come up in the ip menu , only prob I think I have at the min is that the router is passworded , is there a way of entering the router password anywhere , have put the patch , addon , csinf and softcam on .
dhcp is set to on , if turn it of all settings go to 0's wen on I do have my router ip settings , wen I try to connect to you tube it says connecting to to server , then connection failed , but wen I go to one of the other menus cant remember which one , but it has the weather and maps in there it connects to thatso I must have some sort of connection between router and box

I am a newbie having recently got an M2 and a bit confused about which patch. This thread talks about 109/110 etc but I see there is a recent 136, though also recent versions of 110. I am also having difficulty in locating the ADDON002p.stb file. Can you set me straight please? Many thanks.
