Vat to rise to 20%?

if you have been unemployed the last 10 years then u got nothing to worry about

this election was all about the working people of this country who they thought best to run it

we are still borrowing 1 billion a day even though stamp duty is at a record high as is personal tax allowance

too many people are claiming benefits rather than finding work

There are a lot of people who are willing to work but can't find a job so don't tar everyone with that same old shite.
The unemployment in the Dumbarton area is a joke and a have mates who are going mental trying to find a job.
You seem obsessed with bashing people who are out of work through no fault of their own.
You should maybe change tactics and shout at the banks as they put us in this shithole and we are all paying the price..
There are a lot of people who are willing to work but can't find a job so don't tar everyone with that same old shite.
The unemployment in the Dumbarton area is a joke and a have mates who are going mental trying to find a job.
You seem obsessed with bashing people who are out of work through no fault of their own.
You should maybe change tactics and shout at the banks as they put us in this shithole and we are all paying the price..

Not obessed but in my everyday life I come across girls having kids just for council housing, people claiming to ill to work yet are OK to go golfing and people saying they are looking for work yet jobs being advertised.

I understand a large majority of people on benefits are ligitly there but when the missus started looking for work after having the kids, doing the sums it didn't make sense to go back to work though she did it anyway.

As for the banks, yes they are part of the problem but I see a lot of people who have put themselves in debt through the own irresponsible borrowing and spending who are trying to shift the blame elsewhere.
Well said Hoppy that is the real situation. At the moment I am working and my pay is not much more than on benefits and I am talking pennies for working a 40 hour week. However I have blank out my mind and try and not to say why bother.

I do not blame people at all who could get a job for the same money as benfits pay. Why because these dickheads say that people on benefits are fleecing the county have not got a clue how hard it is too make ends meet when getting benifits.

Also just to make it clear what Hoppy was saying trying to get a job is impossible in some areas. So please dont start slanging people off for being unemployed, its sh*t.

So I have been on both sides of the fence and know what its like.

I blame the labour government we have had to endure for the past few years.

I would happily rather take a 2.5% VAT increase than an income tax increase.

Remove all benefits to non UK-Citizens that would be a good start, cap Housing benefit so people that don't work are not able to live in £600 per week propertys at the working mans cost and deport any foreign ciminals back to their own country.

Oh and pull out of Afghanistan, how much money are we wasting fighting a battle that is not ours>?
I don't doubt that jobs are difficult to find. Good jobs are even harder to find.

What my point is that in some situations (and admittely not all) that the difference between benefit and working is small enough for people to consider taking the not working option.
as cameron said

people should stop asking what they are owed & what benefits they can get but instead asking how they can work

way too many people rather live as a career dole head than work
there is guaranteed work out there in the future jobs fund and u can get your benefits with it

but do u want to work for minimum wage

our previous scottish leader found a way to make it easier to live off benefits than work

labour have made this country so expensive to live in that most people cant afford to work
how the hell do you think businesses survive

but as long as everyone gets benefits and think this country owes em a living then that is fine

if you cant find work where u live then move somewhere where there is work, 15 million immigrants in the last 15 years came into this country with no preference on where to live just to find work

thats why it is harder to find work, immigrants dont require as much maintenance as British people
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there is guaranteed work out there in the future jobs fund and u can get your benefits with it

but do u want to work for minimum wage

our previous scottish leader found a way to make it easier to live off benefits than work

labour have made this country so expensive to live in that most people cant afford to work
how the hell do you think businesses survive

but as long as everyone gets benefits and think this country owes em a living then that is fine

if you cant find work where u live then move somewhere where there is work, 15 million immigrants in the last 15 years came into this country with no preference on where to live just to find work

thats why it is harder to find work, immigrants dont require as much maintenance as British people

Maybe thats the way it is in your area but its a little different here.
We recently advertised a job for a fork lift driver labourer and had "75" applicants so dont give me that crap that nobody is looking for work.

My mate who is on the dole doesn't feel the country owes him a living,,quite the opposite infact he feels degraded by having to sign on and people like you don't help.
Ive seen him retrain and apply for jobs in the Hamilton and Coatbridge area which is a fair train ride from Dumbarton.

So are you suggesting he should move his family away from the area of his birth to chase a minimum wage job.

Get a grip ya closet and stop talking shite.
That is longer term issue about the inbalance in jobs different areas of the country. I am sure if you ask most people in the south east, they would prefer not to live in such a over crowded area.
If you are willing to work for minimum wage, AND relocate I agree there is work available. If you are not able to do both of these you limit your chances considerably.

I knock immigrants for coming over and taking all the low paid manual jobs, but from the employers perspective they are a lot better than most UK citizens.

If you ask Mr Polanski to go and clean the toilets he says "yes boss, no trouble sir!", but if you ask Mr Brown to go and clean the toilets you get "get stuffed, that's not my job. I can't do that because of Health & Safety".

The point i am getting at is that it is the people in their current jobs that have made it easier for companies to decide between foreign and British labour by complaining. This in turn means that thier wage will not rise as there will always be someone willing to do your job for less money.

I am not intending to sound rasict, but if we stopped the immigrants from coming into the UK, this would give British citizens a better chance of finding work and also help the current low wage situation to improve.
I don't think a 2.5% Vat rise which would affect everybody rich and poor would be as bad as some of the other tax rises that could be increased. Fuel tax puts more on the cost of food than Vat does as it's passed along the line. plus a lot of goods in the food trade etc are actually Vat free.

I believe we should at least give David and Nick the CONLIBRATIVES a fair chance, as it is a long time since we have had this situation occur and a long time since we have had younger MP's in a position of power.

It is time for change, so lets change our views on the past and see if the future is improved once all cabinet positions are confirmed and a fair crack has been given.
Sorry to hijack your thread Rat and to get back on topic i fear the same as many!
Its just the start of many horrible Tory moves and we should all be buying arse guards as its gonna hurt..
It would also mean that some companies were labour is a high percentage of their costs will go bust. People willing to come over here and work as slaves does give an indication of how much worse it must be for them back home.

Reality is at least for the past 100 years this country was built on immigration either through slavery or willing immigrants.
VAT is set to rise under the new coalition government, according to a BBC survey of influential economists.
Of 28 independent economists currently used by the Treasury to assist its forecasts, 24 said they expected the rate to rise in the coming parliament.
The majority predicted a rise from the current 17.5% to 20% before the end of 2011. Analysts say a 20% rate would raise an estimated £11.5bn a year.

This was always expected to happen no matter who got in. When the rate went down to 15% we all pretty much knew there would be a reckoning eventually to catch up on all that lost revenue. It was inevitable. !

The only question was whether to put the rise off and face an even bigger problem later or do we grit our teeth and start to sort out the mess now ?

Personally, I think its the right decision to try to sort it now before it becomes un-fixable !
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Sorry to hijack your thread Rat and to get back on topic i fear the same as many!
Its just the start of many horrible Tory moves and we should all be buying arse guards as its gonna hurt..

And it was going to be any better then what labour was offering ?

Either cut public spending, rise taxes or slide further into debt. Your choice.

And if you are talking about the banks, yes there are oppurtunities make them pay more but at the end of the day there is nothing stopping them taking the jobs elsewhere.
And it was going to be any better then what labour was offering ?

Either cut public spending, rise taxes or slide further into debt. Your choice.

And if you are talking about the banks, yes there are oppurtunities make them pay more but at the end of the day there is nothing stopping them taking the jobs elsewhere.

Never said it would be better with Labour,,thats why i didn't vote for them.

So by your understanding with regard to the banks we should all feel grateful to them.
Sorry to hijack your thread Rat and to get back on topic i fear the same as many!
Its just the start of many horrible Tory moves and we should all be buying arse guards as its gonna hurt..

maybe it's what we need. the labour years of "buy now, pay later" are gone and suddenly we're faced with HAVING to pay it back.

people bang too much about what they're 'owed' when it should be what they've earned.

thatcher bashing is so boring and done to death.
back to the future 1979 Maggie Thatchers Tories raise vat to 17.5%.

now they plan to raise it to 20%

just from a Scottish point of view. the Conservative have got 1 seat in Scotland and they still screw us over, I hope the Lib Dems enjoy their 30 pieces of silver because a lot of people up here feel they have stabbed us in the back. and it could come back to haunt them when they fall out with the Tories and we have another election.

the majority of the labour strongholds were in Scotland yet we let them **** 'us' for years.
I blame the labour government we have had to endure for the past few years.

I would happily rather take a 2.5% VAT increase than an income tax increase.

Remove all benefits to non UK-Citizens that would be a good start, cap Housing benefit so people that don't work are not able to live in £600 per week propertys at the working mans cost and deport any foreign ciminals back to their own country.

Oh and pull out of Afghanistan, how much money are we wasting fighting a battle that is not ours>?

I think your point about housing is 100% correct.
My parents worked hard their entire life to buy themselves a nice house and look after their kids.

The nice old couple that lived next door moved away, and the place was bought by a buy-to-letter.
Now in the house next door is some total ******, thick as pigshit, never worked a day in his life with his 2 nobhead kids all at the expense of the taxpayer. This family of fuckers is ruining the area. The kids are constantly running on other peoples property kicking footballs at cars and windows. Swinging off car wing mirrors etc. and their dad does **** all about it. When you tell his kids off he comes round acting the tough guy trying to intimidate people.

Me and Mrs are well qualified and work hard and the only house we could afford is not a patch on the one this dickhead, his slut and two retarded vandal kids gets given from our paypackets.

Makes me wonder why I bothered getting into debt going to uni. I might as well have sat on my arse on the dole.
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Never said it would be better with Labour,,thats why i didn't vote for them.

So by your understanding with regard to the banks we should all feel grateful to them.

Do I think things would have been better under labour, financially I don't think so but in other areas yes.

I am not saying that we should be grateful to the banks but I am saying that they should not be the ONLY target for increase goverment revenue as some people have suggested. Yes banks are part of the problem but so are people who borrowed irresponsibily and now want to pass the buck.