Mars and Moon in heavenly show


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Jul 28, 2007
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Mars and the full Moon pair up to provide a grand celestial spectacle on Friday night.

The Red Planet, now 62 million miles from Earth, will be at its brightest this year as it lines up opposite the Sun.

At around 9pm, Mars will be above and to the left of the Moon, about the length of an outstretched fist away.

A standard SLR camera fitted with a telephoto lens is all you need to capture the scene, says Robin Scagell, from the Society for Popular Astronomy.

"Mars is looking really quite red and impressive at the moment, and the Moon will be full, he said. "It's going to be a great sight and rather fun to look for.

"A telescope has too close a field of view, but with a 100mm telephoto lens you'd just about get them both in the picture, and you'll be able to see details on the Moon."

A pair of binoculars and a clear out-of-town sky will reveal an added bonus - the "beehive" star cluster - between the two objects, said Mr Scagell.

Mars is at its most spectacular when close to the Earth at opposition.

In 2003 the planet was just 35 million miles away as it faced the Sun, and more than four times brighter than it will be tomorrow night.

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No way will you see detail on the moon with a 100mm lens, especially if the moon is full (at it's brightest)

For those that doubt me against the 'spokesman': try it.
Just been out with the wee fella & his telescope. He was well impressed with the detail he could make out on the moon but not so much with Mars (think he was expecting a bit much)
Thanks for the heads-up.
I can see the Moon and Mars really clearly from my living room window.

If I remember I will take the dog out late tonight and have a look where there is less light pollution.
Just been outside to have a look it is quite stunning, is there life out there.
And here's my 'un-inspiring' shot of the event! LOL

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I can see it very clearly. I've tried taking some pics but they look like one of those photos of someone waving a sparkler :(

Your pic is excellent zippy m8 :)
I can see it very clearly. I've tried taking some pics but they look like one of those photos of someone waving a sparkler :(

Your pic is excellent zippy m8 :)

Just tried to get another couple as well, same result as you. Must've struck it 'lucky' on that one mate! Plus, too much light from the moon as well now.
I thought I would join in and go out and have a look, the moon looks stunning and I can now say have seen Mars, I would prefer a Mars bar myself, it just looks like a star to me but there you go.

Thx for the thread zippy m8, at keast I can say I seen it.
I'm no astronomer, I know just as much as the next man on this stuff, and someone in the know can correct me, but if the light in the sky 'shimmers', it's a star.

If the light from it remains constant, it's a planet.

But, in the end of the day, who gives a fcuk! Sometimes it looks OK, sometimes it looks great, and sometimes it astounds us. Just depends on the person. ;)
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And here's my 'un-inspiring' shot of the event! LOL


sorry to post this, but put your fist out between the moon and mars in the pic (as the original news report said what would happen), and it's quite true to what did happen to when i took the pic.

I wonder if someone will come up with something great with a 100mm lens:

No way will you see detail on the moon with a 100mm lens, especially if the moon is full (at it's brightest)

For those that doubt me against the 'spokesman': try it.

By the way pips, this is in no way a dig at you. I've no idea of photography. I would like to see a better quality pic of this, both of the moon and mars.
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I thought I would join in and go out and have a look, the moon looks stunning and I can now say have seen Mars, I would prefer a Mars bar myself, it just looks like a star to me but there you go.

Thx for the thread zippy m8, at keast I can say I seen it.


You can now say you've seen ma arse too.