Urgent health bulletin


Inactive User
Dec 14, 2006
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Stumbled across this earlier and it's quite an interesting read...i'm not spamming or trying to get anyone to purchase anything but just read these medical findings...

it has pieces like......

More water myths to flush away...

'If you get thirsty, it means you're already dehydrated.' HOW COULD IT? If this were true, every animal on earth would have collapsed and died long ago. Have you ever seen a dog that drinks when he's not thirsty? Of course not, he hasn't read the articles telling him to drink until he bursts.
Drinking lots of water is good for your circulation. NOPE. In fact, drinking too much water can dilute the potassium levels in your blood, raising your stroke risk.
Coffee and tea dehydrate you. THEY DON'T! This tactic is designed to sell you bottled water at a 1,000 percent markup. But bottled water's okay by me, because the most dangerous myth of all is that...

take a look and post your views...
A health notice that hasn't come from our very own charlatan Ford Escort 16Valve??
"Medical Findings" found by a well known medical nutter. (try Google)

No thanks.
Stumbled across this earlier and it's quite an interesting read...i'm not spamming or trying to get anyone to purchase anything but just read these medical findings...

it has pieces like......

More water myths to flush away...

'If you get thirsty, it means you're already dehydrated.' HOW COULD IT? If this were true, every animal on earth would have collapsed and died long ago. Have you ever seen a dog that drinks when he's not thirsty? Of course not, he hasn't read the articles telling him to drink until he bursts.
Drinking lots of water is good for your circulation. NOPE. In fact, drinking too much water can dilute the potassium levels in your blood, raising your stroke risk.
Coffee and tea dehydrate you. THEY DON'T! This tactic is designed to sell you bottled water at a 1,000 percent markup. But bottled water's okay by me, because the most dangerous myth of all is that...

take a look and post your views...

If you get thirsty, it means you're already dehydrated.' HOW COULD IT?
simple really, if your body asked you for water........ it needs it. therefore your are dehydrated!
Coffee and tea dehydrate you. THEY DON'T!
in fact they do, as both have a diacritic effect on our physiology.

lol, comment without understanding. top stuff! thats why Mr RS, didn't bother to comment. err probably!
Give it a rest Witchy.

My thoughts exactly !

Comments above regarding dehydration are right, if you are thirsty you are already dehydrating. Coffee and tea do cause a degree of dehydration drawing fluids into the urinary tract (filtrate).....

Try this, we all know alcohol causes you to dehydrate.... drink if you can between 1-2 pints of water before you go to bed... besides p'ing like a racehorse LOL You should wake up with little or no hangover :)
simple really, if your body asked you for water........ it needs it. therefore your are dehydrated!
in fact they do, as both have a diacritic effect on our physiology.

lol, comment without understanding. top stuff! thats why Mr RS, didn't bother to comment. err probably!

I think diacritic is something to do with grammar, using accented characters like those Johnny Foreigners do a lot. Diuretic is to do with the body's management of fluids.

I was always taught that caffeine is a diuretic, but there was an article in the NYT last year where they claim it's not really the case... link. I find too much caffeine makes me feel pretty crook, certainly gives me headaches, so it wouldn't surprise me if it did turn out to be a diuretic.

Comments above regarding dehydration are right, if you are thirsty you are already dehydrating. Coffee and tea do cause a degree of dehydration drawing fluids into the urinary tract (filtrate).....

Try this, we all know alcohol causes you to dehydrate.... drink if you can between 1-2 pints of water before you go to bed... besides p'ing like a racehorse LOL You should wake up with little or no hangover :)

My missus converted me to also taking some multi-vitamins both before a night out and then again when going to bed, as well as a few pints of water. Her theory being that it's not just the water that your body loses when you've drunk a wee bit to much, it's also the salts and minerals. I find it works a treat... much better than just taking Alka Saltzers the morning after.
Originally Posted by Firemouth
simple really, if your body asked you for water........ it needs it. therefore your are dehydrated!
in fact they do, as both have a diacritic effect on our physiology.

lol, comment without understanding. top stuff! thats why Mr RS, didn't bother to comment. err probably!

I think diacritic is something to do with grammar, using accented characters like those Johnny Foreigners do a lot. Diuretic is to do with the body's management of fluids.

I was always taught that caffeine is a diuretic, but there was an article in the NYT last year where they claim it's not really the case... link. I find too much caffeine makes me feel pretty crook, certainly gives me headaches, so it wouldn't surprise me if it did turn out to be a diuretic.

I think taught is something to do with teaching. Thought is a product of thinking. :) :)

Hoist with your own petard! :)
well i drink far to much, eat loads of crappy food
sleep as much as possible, smoke too much
drink more coffee then water

must be the healthiest person alive
this thread will be 10 pages long before we know it lol