YWeb Upgradt to latest English version


Inactive User
Nov 5, 2005
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Hi all - I'm looking to upgrade the YWeb on my image...I had a "flashing session" the other night, and discovered the newer version on a couple of images such as Blade Trinity and Andromeda 2...Unfortunately, I couldn't get these images set-up right so reverted back to my trusty Neutrino DigitalWorldz Pro image again, only to be confronted by the old YWeb version in that image...

I have upgraded to the version in the downloads section but feel as though I'm missing out with not having the latest version available - is it 2.7.0?

I've been to the Yweb site, but would imagine its all in German and didn't fancy not being able to take it off through my lack og knowledge of the German language.

So....After searching through 55 pages of posts containing the phrase "YWeb" unsuccessfully , I was wondering if anyone would be so kind as to point me in the right direction to where I might find the latest translated version please.

Thanks in advance for anyone willing to help :) ,...this version is in the new LAKY pro, i think it is the latest too and in full english...is it not in the download section ??
Cheers chrispeters

I haven't seen it - The full image is there, but to be honest, that was one that I was having trouble with it last night, thats why I reverted back to my old image

- I don't know if it's possible to "cut" the files from that image...and to be honest, I wouldn't like to do it without the image compilers consent.
yeah i know what u mean...i dont think it is possible anyway ?? is it not actually installed into the image ?
I will have a look for u