Yet another pathetic racism accusation


I have spoken
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Oct 6, 2005
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nr.Cov.... pure n*l
A woman has received an apology from M&S over a "racist" description they used for one of their bras. Lighter coloured bras were named as "Fudge" or "Cinnamon" whereas a darker one was named "Tobacco".
"I saw it about two weeks after George Floyd's death and it was particularly raw to see at that time," she told The Mirror". Un fookingbelieveable!!!

Story here
I can't work out what is more f**king ridiculous, that stupid woman saying the word "tobacco" is racist or the dumb f**k in M&S for taking notice and snivelling. If that was my store I would have told her to f**k off and get a proper life. This is only going to get sillier until some one has some balls and says enough of this s**t.
We need a return to commonsense. All this pandering to someone's notion of what constitutes racism is going to end badly. It's already starting to breed contempt and in my opinion is likely to have the opposite effect in that it can incite racism.

I'm not going to go off on racism here but will certainly add any other silly "race" quibble I come across onto this thread.
The trouble now is racism is used as a way of shutting people up, look what happened in Rochdale, just because someone was scared of being called a racist. Someone needs to have some balls and say enough is enough, my mate used to hate these fecking idiots that scream racism for nowt, all it does is take the attention away from the real racism and the decent people that suffer it everyday.