XV Manual example - getting pin from tues 28th codes


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May 24, 2005
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Best viewed in vBultetin Style

With acknowledgements to Dommac2000 for the codes and to Nix9 for the method!!

28 june

23 323
24 8262
25 1234
26 7978

* 0123456789
8 2345678901
2 8901234567
6 4567890123
2 8901234567

1234 stays the same.
so 7978 stays the same.

2345678901 7 5678901234 line one
8901234567 9 9012345678 line two
4567890123 7 7890123456 line three
8901234567 8 0123456789 line four

3612345 - 1234 (stays the same) - so look up each digit in turn:

1 on line one, 2 on line two etc,. = 6104
Bringing all my previous ref:323 examples together:

Best viewed in vBultetin Style

With acknowledgements to Dommac2000 for the codes and to Nix9 for the method!!

27 june

23 323
24 7908
25 4132
26 4953

* 0123456789
---------------- Number Shift using ref 24
7 3456789012
9 1234567890
0 0123456789
8 2345678901

1234 - 2431* Rearrange ref 25

4953 = 9354 apply rearrange result to ref 26
and use to number shift result of 7908

3456789012 9 4567890123
1234567890 3 8901234567
0123456789 5 5678901234
2345678901 4 8901234567

3589342 = 8934 rearrange using result of ref 25 (2431) to:

*9438 = 3286 ( looking up 9 on first right line, 4 on second ,etc.)

23 june

23: 323
24: 5278
25: 3142
26: 7204

* 0123456789
5 5678901234
2 8901234567
7 3456789012
8 2345678901

1234 > 2413*
3142 > 1234

7204 = 2470

5678901234 2 3456789012
8901234567 4 4567890123
3456789012 7 6789012345
2345678901 0 2345678901

3170494 = 7049 = 0974 = 3336

22 june

23: 323
24: 8719
25: 1243
26: 3176

* 0123456789
----------------- Number Shift using ref 24
8 2345678901
7 3456789012
1 9012345678
9 1234567890

1234 > 1243* Rearrange ref 25 (coincidently remains the same - 1243)
1243 > 1234

3176 = 3167 apply rearrange result to ref 26
and use to number shift result of 8719

2345678901 3 9012345678
3456789012 1 2345678901
9012345678 6 3456789012
1234567890 7 4567890123

3071146 = 7114 rearrange using result of ref 25 (1243) to:

7141 = 6375 ( looking up 7 on first right line, 1 on second ,etc.)