Worst Player Ever..?.........

DarkWarrior said:
I assume we're not just talking about skill or lack of it as the case may be. I would have to say Diego Maradonna and not just because of his 'hand of god' stunt but because he probably could have won an olympic medal for diving & an oscar for acting. The man had his moments of footballing genius I grant him that but sadly he will always be remembered for bringing the game into disrepute.... Hand of God... Cocaine... Temper Tantrums.... need I go on? I think not.

Just your average footballer then lol.
the worst player ever ever ever, is repka at west ham, all he does is get red cards and give free kicks around the box..

most under rated player atm julio baptista from sevilla hes the man
well i think thomas brolin was the worst player i ever have seen more like a rugby player than a football player :FLAG: when he played for leeds